JOURNAL: SacredArrow18 (Jenna Hescht)

  • Video Finished. 2006-07-27 14:18:41 Hey, this is my first time typing out a journal entry on this site and I think I am going to start making some journal entries. ^^ Never thought to do anything like this. so well here it goes. I've finally finished a non-anime music video and here is a link for anybody who wants to see it. ^^
    Can leave me a private message of what you think or just reply. ^^

    I kind of rushed the 1 minute or so of the ending, but I just wanted to get it finished so I can get rid of the footage on one of my harddrives for sailor moon footage. lol. I am ripping some footage off because I had just joined a MEP and I thought hmm why not use Sailor Moon, its been so long since I have made a sailor moon video. I am thankful for the anime Sailor Moon thought, because if it wasn't for Sailor Moon, I wouldn't be so obsessed with anime today. lol. hmm well that is all I have to say for my first entry. so enjoy my non-anime music video!!!!!
    Hope you all like it!!!!!!!^.~

Current server time: Mar 14, 2025 16:51:11