JOURNAL: serebi (serebi )

  • After 7 months of abstinance 2004-08-10 03:00:22 I RELEASED A NEW MUSIC VIDEO!! I can't believe I almost forgot how good it felt. After going to Otakon and seeing so many videos that made me restless because I couldn't stand watching how horrible they were, I realized that it was now imPERATIVE that I released another music video.

    "Holy Order" is the name of it, nicely follows the title names as the last music video released was called "Dark Order" 
  • Ratings, Stars and such 2003-10-25 10:11:19 I would appreciate it if more people rated my music videos, merely because I am curious as to what people think. People seem to like them alot online and in the real world. But I only know this from people I have talked to. Then there are you guys out there that I am totally blind to. So if you have some free time feel obliged to download my music videos and rate them. 
  • [S-N] Progress 2003-10-25 10:07:16 I looked at my profile here recently and noticed that I have been releasing a new music video monthly as of recent. The past three months I have released a music video. That is progress I say. Considering that from my 6th music video (digital damage), released in November 2002, there was a 6 month gap till I released my 7th music video in April 2003. While August, September and October 2003 have all had one release in them.  
  • My Tenth Music Video 2003-10-25 10:04:31 The time has finally come and I have released my tenth music video. After one and a half years of making music videos I have improved very much. I still do not use as many visual effects as I would like to. My tenth music video "Nomadic Life" is considered a milestone. More importantly for being the tenth Serebic music video created than what is in the video. Though, I really REALLY like what I have created. I suggest that everyone out there check it out. Two days after its release it is already scheduled to participate in a contest on Sunday. I am really proud of it.  
Current server time: Jan 12, 2025 04:49:56