JOURNAL: mxfire

  • General 2006-04-01 01:00:55

    I am now gonna upload my second video, Raglan's Aeris. So it should be done in an hour.

    Blitz, thank you for the opinion. Your video has downloaded 75% and I will continue with it after I uploaded my video, but I have seen 75% of the video (about 2 min 40 sec) and I really liked the action sync. The quality isn't really bad, but since it is 720 x 576, it is a bit slow for my computer. Good Job, and will give an opinion after your download is finished.

    Ben, your video still must download (I use Getright), but I will definitely give an opinion after I am finished.

    Quince and tandomgirl, your videos was awsume. 
  • General (Ignore the last journal entry) 2006-03-31 16:31:37

    Blitz, I'm not that old that I can't download your video. I am downloading your video throught the night (it's now 10:15 PM). What am writing again, I guess I forgot. Maybe I need vaction, I guess I am too old for this. Enough with the jokes (I'm speaking about me) I really am downloading your video tonight (excited) and I uploaded the video I made with Sony Vegas (It is called An End and A New Beginning). Also, check your PM later.

    I will also upload the second one, yes, a second one tommorrow or about 23:00 American time.

    Quince, check your mail and PM for the CC P2 issue. I am also downloading your video tonight and I can't wait to see it and thank you.

    Tandomgirl, thank you for the two opinions, and I will also download your video.
    Ben, how many weeks has been? Now, I can finally see your video, and I'm sure it
    gonna be awesome (that applies to all of the above mentioned names).

    I just want to explain about Curtain Close Part II. That flashes I did took me a week for Curtain Close Part I and it took all my spare time. For Curtain Close Part II I wanted to use my own animation and drawings for some of the scenes, which meant exporting all the frames of the video to bitmaps and then cutting out the characters from some scenes and then drawing new backgrounds for those scenes and also drawing animation (like a coin falling). After I while I realised this was gonna take me three months (and that if I use all my free time) and I need to do art for the correspondence university a minimum of 40 hours (offical) of drawing (I only started drawing two years ago, and didn't have art at school) and sculpting (which I have never done and they don't explain how to do it). And this is only two of my subjects. I am NOT (sorry for my last journal, this is what I wanted to say) complaining, I'm only expaining why I suspended CC P2.

    I got 58% for my first and second drawing project and 51% for my sculpting project. I am very glad of these points.

    Anyway, Quince has agreed to help me with CC Part II, and Blitz your welcome if you want to help (Quince suggested it, and I agree).

    I will also upload EXTRA (not the other video I mentioned) three old videos tommorrow that I did with WMM (I'll Be Here V2, Music of the Anime V2, and Sound VS Silence).  
  • General 2006-03-31 15:42:18

    Blitz, I'm not that old that I can't download your video. I am downloading your video throught the night (it's now 10:15 PM). What am writing again, I guess I forgot. Maybe I need vaction, I guess I am too old for this. Enough with the jokes (I'm speaking about me) I really am downloading your video tonight (excited) and I uploaded the video I made with Sony Vegas (It is called An End and A New Beginning). Also, check your PM later.

    I will also upload the second one, yes, a second one tommorrow or about 23:00 American time.

    Quince, check your mail and PM for the CC P2 issue. I am also downloading your video tonight and I can't wait to see it and thank you.

    Tandomgirl, thank you for the two opinions, and I will also download your video.

    Ben, how many weeks has been? Now, I can finally see your video, and I'm sure it gonna be awesome (that applies to all of the above mentioned names).

    I just want to explain about Curtain Close Part II. That flashes I did took me a week for Curtain Close Part I and it took all my spare time. For Curtain Close Part II I wanted to use my own animation and drawings for some of the scenes, which meant exporting all the frames of the video to bitmaps and then cutting out the characters from some scenes and then drawing new backgrounds for those scenes and also drawing animation (like a coin falling). After I while I realised this was gonna take me three months (and that if I use all my free time) and I need to do art for the correspondence university a minimum of 40 hours (offical) of drawing (I only started drawing two years ago, and didn't have art at school) and sculpting (which I have never done and they don't explain how to do it). And this is only two of my subjects. I am complaining, I'm only expaining why I suspended CC P2.

    I got 58% for my first and second drawing project and 51% for my sculpting project. I am very glad of these points.

    Anyway, Quince has agreed to help me with CC Part II, and Blitz your welcome if you want to help (Quince suggested it, and I agree).

    I will also upload EXTRA (not the other video I mentioned) three old videos tommorrow that I did with WMM (I'll Be Here V2, Music of the Anime V2, and Sound VS Silence).

  • General 2006-03-30 01:57:05 Quince, it would be also an honour to work with you. I not sure how a collab works, but I'm sure we will figure it out. I will send you what I have if you want. What if I do half of the video (then my video quality should match yours) and then you can do the other half. I will also send you a PM Saturday on how to the flashes. You can use your own footage, it wouldn't be necessary to use mine. Quince, I will download your video Saturday (GMT+2) since I'm not home (Internet cafe).

    Blitz, I will download yours also Saturday.

    I have created two new videos and should upload it Saturday, along with three old ones.

    Froilan, I have downloaded two of your videos and will give opinions Saturday. 
  • General 2006-03-24 12:27:34

    Thank you tandomgirl, for the opinion, I will download your amv tonight.

    Quince, I hope you found the links useful and I can't wait for your and Blitz's video.

    I stopped with my CC video and started a new video since it took so long, and I really don't have the time for what I'm planning. Sorry for those expectations I crashed, but I hope my new video (also a Eminem video, but no parts), will satisfy your curiosities. It should be released next weekend. CC Part II should be released in December when I have vacation. Sorry again. 
Current server time: Jan 11, 2025 20:52:55