Gatsthedarksword (Joe c.)
2002-11-14 17:57:42
"damn it all!" joe spoke looking down at mitch's corpse. "first my family dies, then they try to kill me, now my best friend gone!" he was angry at the development and now had no desire to go anyware until this problem was solved. "hey, you don't have to say goodbye to your friend just yet, i think i can help." fearie sounded uncertain but flew down to the old man's corpse and dragged a mask out of his backpack. "now let me see were you were bitten by your mother." joe pulled the collar of his shirt back to expose the wound and she went up to it, removed a small dagger from her belt and plunged it into the wound. joe grunted as it began to bleed but the blood had the look of the same substance that had been injected into him earlier. she smeared the blood all over the mask. after doing that she went mitch and straightened his neck, then smeared a little of the blood on his forehead. she placed the mask on hisface and flew quickly back behind joe. she stuck her head out from his back pocket and said "hey back up a little, this is going to be big." and joe walked backwards slowly, he hadn't finished his first step when a white light exploded from the mask and then turned to a cblack that absorbed all the light in the room. when it cleared and joe could see again, mitch stood in front of him, only this was a different mitch than the one joe had known, his body had turned into solid muscle and was stronger than ever before. the mask turned to joe and he heard mitches voice come forth from behind it. "hehehe, i knew you'd come through with some help, now lets get those sons of bitches who did this to me."
story 12
2002-11-14 15:54:14
he grabbed the deamon by his leg and smashed it into the knife drawer in his kitchen, cutlery everyware! including in the creature. he lifted it off the ground by one of the larger knifes sticking out of it and looked it in the eye. "you wish i'd kill you don't you?" he smiled a big smile as he said this. he grabbed his neck. and squesed slowly, not enough to crush it but enough to cut off the air. the creature weakly struglled as it died, but it had niether the strength nor the blood left in him to defeat such a colosal oponent. he tossed the limp body away like a rag doll.
okay bell rang gatta go, later
story 11
2002-11-14 15:01:19
"oh come on! that can't be true." mitch spoke from his seat on the ground. "if it isn't then how do you explain this?" joe asked and picked his arms up in fromt of him, concentrated and his muscles jumped about 3 times in size! his voice had changed now, with the extra padding it was deeper and had more bass to it "hehe, we always wanted strength beyond messure, now i have it and if you complete this quest with me i'm sure god will reward you and if he won't then i will find a way to share this gift with you." he spoke uncertainly as he didn't know if either thing was posible. mitch opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by the sound of a buble poping, and steem hissing. they turned around looking for where it was coming from. then they looked at the corpe of the old man, the blood was bubbling and steeming in front of them. suddenly a clawed hand riased out of it, then another, and they laid on the ground, pulling against it they pulled a body through to stand before them in all it's evil glory, a deamon, not an ordinary deamon, "this deamon is strong and can only be spawned from the blood of a crusader." fearie spoke in joe's ear. "whatever it is it's dead!" he yelled and pumped up, then charged forward throwing punches as he went, the creature dodged his attacks and grabbed his arm, he pulled him forward and chucked joe into a wall. he hit it and fell to the ground. mitch stood and steadied his scythe, he charged, the creature easily turned the weapon away and grabbed him by his neck. he lifted him off his feet and held him there. "blood! i want blood!"
joe looked up to a scene that struck fear into his heart, his best friend, one who had fought beside him in so many battles since they first met, suspended in the air by this evil being. "NO!" he screamed and charged forward. before he reached them the creature snapped his neck. the crack split the air and stopped joe in his tracks. he watched as the body slowly fell to the ground. "blood! i need blood!" the creature spoke again. "you...need blood? you...? You....BASTARD!!!!!!" as he spoke the last bit he bulged to the size of a bear squared, he was huge! he reached forward and grabbed the creature by it's lower jaw, yanked it to an inch from his face, "you want blood? how about a little of your own!" and put his hand on the top of his enemies head, and slowly pulled. tearing the lower jaw bone out of his head. the creature screamed as best it could without the bone and it's tounge flailed weekly. he grabbed the things legs and held it up by them. he kicked it in the gut. blood sqiurted from the open wound and stained joe's shorts. he tosed the creature up into the air, caught it by the arms and let the rest fall, he then bent the creatures arms around it's head, breaking them in several places. he stepped on it's foot and pulled his torso up, ripping the leg from it's socket. "blood? enough blood for you! no? then how about...this."
sorry to leave you hanging but i got to get to work now, i'll put more in when i get done with that
story 10
2002-11-13 14:56:36
well it seems this is going good so i'll put more in. remember, if you want a character in this story just ask i'd be happy to write you in
mitch stepped out of his car, what the hell did he want this early in the morning, sure the guy just lost his entire family but shouldn't he be talking to a counselor or something? not mitch the insensitive asshole. we walked up to the house and noticed the door was ajar, he stopped, and turned around, he didn't have any guns on him but he had a scythe in his car that he had put in there a while ago cause scythes rule and it's better than nothing. he grabbed it and walked to the door, he kicked it in and ran in looking around for burglurs or something awry, well there was lots of things wrong like the broken tile, a big dent in one of the walls, and a corpse lying on the ground, but the most promanent thing was joe standing in the hallway looking very troubled, as he aproached mitch his expresion changed to friendly problems, "hey, your not gonnna believe this but..." he began
ok fast forward a little... yada yada yada... stuff hapening, mitch surprised... ok here, play....
mitch sat down on the ground a look of total shock on his face.
shit! writers block, more later
story 9
2002-11-12 15:52:30
"interesting, but i don't really care." joe replied to her explanations. "just tell me how to find those bastards and save my sister." he added. " i doubt you can take them all alone. i mean my previous owner was the best fighter i worked for yet and he fell so easily under your fathers power." she looked depressed, some one who has lost hope showed in her face now. " hah! if i can't handle it alone, i got friends but i doubt i'll need them. but i know one guy who'd kill me if i left him out of this much fun." and he walked to the phone and dialed the number of the one guy who'd find this situation entertaining. "hello mitch, yeah i know what time it is but this is an emergency i gotta talk to you, yes it's kinda about my families problems but it's not what you think it would be, how quickly can you get over here? good, hurry." and joe hung up the phone and waied, prepareing some food he learned to make from his dad, basically a kind of bread but if you make it the right way it will stay good and feed an army for months. and if only two kids fed off of it it'll last alot longer.
ok i'm gonna stop there cause i gotta talk to more people incase this goes really bad and they don't like it
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