Walker-san (Walker Riley)
2005-12-21 22:26:43
so yea, almost a year later. So Alive bombed at Otakon 05, but I pretty much predicted it would. I'm using inferior equipment, and of course everyone else has WAY more experience at video editing than me. On the way back from Otakon, I was in quite a bad car accident that disabled me for a bit. My next amv idea isn't gonna go to quickly, only because I need to gather the footage for it, and being the anime has been licensed for a few years, finding raws isn't gonna happen. I'm going to have to bite the bullet and dish out the 80 bucks for the box set. ah well. I was gonna get it eventually anyways.
2005-01-09 01:23:16
Yea so I ran into that point in making amvs where almost all the good footage has already been used and there's still a good minute and a half to fill.
So premiere pro isn't so bad anymore. Still pisses me off at some points but overall I've been able to do a lot. Just tonight I got new ideas and filled it quite a bit. I think I'm gonna post it for opinion's 'fore I up it to the site.
Should be done sometime this week if I keep at it and work doesn't get in the way.
2004-12-14 17:52:49
So much has changed in it! I can't find anything!
So yea, puter's up and running, and I managed to fix my laptop's lcd myself, so all is cool again. And I'm halfway through my next amv. I'm not saying what it is quite yet though, as I tend to not complete things once I publicly announce them.
Being this is only my second amv, I once again fell into the newbish area of crossfades and whatnot. I like them, what can I say? Many great AMVs were done with no effect BUT crossfades.
Anyways....I give it another week of editing, then I'll be ready to post it. and I expect feedback this time god damnit ><
In less than a week.
2004-11-27 23:43:50
Thursdays are payday. This thursday is payday. This thursday I buy a new hd and vid card for my desktop. Then transfer all my crap from my laptop to it, then get my laptop's display fixed.
Then I start working on the next AMV idea I have. Yep. so next week sometime. Yep.
uh huh
2004-09-10 15:51:58
So yea. My desktop has been out of commission for over a year now....and all I have is my laptop. Though my laptop is great for making amvs, it has limited space with all my other crap I put on it. So here's the deal....I'm gonna fix my desktop sometime, then turn it into my multimedia station. Unfortunatly school causes me to be short 500 bucks a month, so I may have to wait until winter break before I can get it setup. Meaning it'll probably end up being a couple of months before I can actually make another amv. Not that it matters...I've only made one, but still. I do have some good ideas, and want to act upon them. Just gotta get the damned desktop working again.
Current server time: Jan 11, 2025 18:00:42