JOURNAL: Zero System Quatre (Raye-chan )

  • Sandrock's Log 0011 - Arigato minna! 2006-01-19 20:27:36 Thanks for 100+ Local DL for Somewhere Itachi Knows! I'm pleased with the response and hope to nix the subtitles on it soon!


    Another night and 100+ colonies have bit the dust! XD 
  • Sandrock's Log 0010 - *sigh* 2005-12-14 22:08:46 So, so very sick-like. Sorry minna...

    Wasn't able to get my Naruto Halloween video up in time *cries* so now I've lost the will to make the rest of it... I've actually just lost most of my faith in life in general right now... this "sickness" is actually manic-depression, or bipolar disorder... Finally, I've come clean... *sigh* I got kicked out of this really prestigious university for cutting myself up... basically, I've f*cked my life up for a long while. Treatments are just adding problems and I'm in the process of changing my care plan around AGAIN. I try to tell myself that this is just a medical, chemical problem that lots of people have and it's not really a big deal, but it's not helping... I'm so depressed lately that I just feel like the spiral down never stops... I really need some more friends, places to go, people in general. I get scared to leave my bed sometimes... that's why I hardly make videos or log onto the .org or give out as many opinions as I always say I will... I really want to dedicate more of my life to things I love/obsess over like this, but I can't even dedicate a few minutes for a shower some days...

    Anyway, my newest video which I just shot together for the f*ck of it and to remind myself that I don't suck as a video editor/person is doing okay. I knew I should have killed the subtitles before I put it up, but my roommate talked me out of it saying that the video quality would lessen... personally I think we hate subs more than poor quality, so I'm gonna put up another version when I get around to it. Of course, this may not happen until the video's worn away and no one wants to download it anymore... *sigh* Whatever... I'm in this for your vids, minna, not mine.

    I've gotten into the habit of reading other people's journals - the journals of people whose videos I've seen and remembered their names basically. Mainly I've been following Shinodude and Hinatasan... they seem like really incredible people and I wish I had the gall to contact them, but I don't know how to say "Um, yeah, hi! I watched your video and then started stalking your journal." Granted, if someone did that to me, I'd be all over them forever, but I'm an insecure little f*cktard, so that's nothing to really be surprised at.

    Coke and fudge are good. Yum! ^_^ Increase my energy with caffeine and seratonin!

    So yeah... does anyone read this (other than CreedBeastkun occasionally *hearts and stars*)? And does anyone think that I should put up a Halloween video multiple months too late??? LOL It's a Naruto Manga vid to Bjork's I've Seen it All focusing on the Akatsuki, if that helps... or matters... or something.

    Happy Holidays, minna! Take care of yourselves! ^__^ I know I keep trying.


    Another night, another colony destroyed. Blah, blah, blah... *sigh* 
  • Sandrock's Log 0009 - Thank you, minna! 2005-10-19 01:03:52 Just dropping a quickie entry to thank everyone for 100+ local downloads for Gods Have Feelings Too Y'know, Hostile Apostile and Sanzo's Photo Album! I'm happy to know that so many people have experienced and more than likely got some enjoyment out of my videos! Thanks again!

    Just got out of the hospital, minna, so I'm keeping this short. Expect a Naruto manga video by Halloween. ^^

    Logging off,
    Zero System Quatre
    Another night and the colonies are still safe because Q-chan's been sick! BLARF! 
  • Sandrock's Log 0008 - Naruto (Yay! More Anime Footage!) and other crap 2005-08-15 02:29:53 Yay! Two new videos up for download and I'm very pleased with both of them. Sanzo's Photo Album should be a nice take in for Sanzo/Saiyuki fans...

    Naruto! Yay! I finally have an AMV that ISN'T to Saiyuki. LOL I was looking at screencap galleries for Naruto when I noticed a bunch of sports-centered caps. I turned to Reiyano and said, "Dude, you've seen more Naruto than I have. What IS this stuff?" I earned myself a copy of the Konoha Annual Sports Festival Special that aired with the first Naruto movie. XD

    ...In return, I promised Reiyano I'd make a video tribute to the special by the end of the day. I didn't sleep between then and the completion of the video, so BLAH! I kept my promise!! BLAH!! BLAH!!! >.<

    Yeah, one episode's worth of subtitled footage. Great. >.< I did my best to make a tribute to it that everyone... right down to subtitle dissers :p... could enjoy at least a little bit. And some of the subtitles that I allowed to sneak in, I let go on PURPOSE. ON PURPOSE PEOPLE! Sometimes things like SUBTITLES ENHANCE a video. Especially when you consider that the KASF special got left out of a lot of english productions of the Naruto movie, or so I've heard, and thus not many people know WTF it is. So... yeah, how people take my video will be interesting.

    I flipping LOVE the KASF special, even though I've read that most fans think it was the stupidest thing in the universe. :p I refused to explain the KASF special plot in the write up for my AMV, but I'm tired and bored and waiting for an AMV to download on a dialup connection... so here I go! Let's ramble about Naruto! Yahoo!

    The basic plot is... well... Naruto has to take a crap. Really really badly. XD But it happens to be Konoha's annual Sports Festival and Naruto's expected to particpate... so finding the time and place to do his business is just not happening. Something always happens to prevent Naruto from finding release. (This is turning into a "how many ways can I say 'pooping?'" rant. LOL) Since that's the plot of the special, it also happens to be the plot of my AMV. So there. :p

    It's coming OUT! XD

    Now here's my fangirl rant. The special showed in attendance EVERY NARUTO CHARACTER INTRODUCED UP TO THAT POINT, WHETHER DEAD OR ALIVE! OMG! Along with that though, THEY USED RANDOM CHARACTERS WITH NO AIR TIME EV-AR(!!!!) AS MAIN-ISH CHARACTERS! <3 <3 <3 <3

    Two words: Aburame Shino. Did stuff. Quite literally, considering they show him sitting on his own throne, ruling his own realm. XD Yes, Shino took a crap. Shino is a human. Shino had a part. AND Shino got to be a sadistic little boy to Naruto by dragging him out of the bathroom before the boy could do his own thing. So cruel, Shino! I love you! XD

    Two more words: Inuzuka Kiba. *cries* My favorite character got dissed! No speaking parts, two facial shots, a few other background scenes. Oh well... *sniffle*

    I'm a flipping spazzoid tonight! LOL Gomen nasai, minnasan!

    The AMV? I think it synced out perfectly. I used Reiyano's trick technique (thanks for teaching me that! <3) of fading the same clip over itself to make a repetitive motion with an eerie, creepy feel. XD I really like how it matched up with the song and such. I've also been in a Halloween-anticipation mood, so between "Ghosts" and the back and forth fades, I just was happy with it. XD

    But seriously, I love how it syncs out. So far, I'm getting poor ratings on it and I'd really love a few opinions to know why... I know it has a few subs and such, and the video footage seems random due to the random nature of the episode I'm tributing, but... really minna? What's wrong? *cries* And if you read the lyrics, I have good clips for the speaking parts. I DO! Grr! >.<

    *totally a spazz - not usually so... petulant? bitchy? self-confident? any of the above?*

    I should stop rambling on, but I'm not going to. XD
    The KASF Tribute is also the premiere of my own personal trailer, version one. I had ideas for a much more detailed trailer, but i couldn't get my hands on all of the footage and I was sick of not having one. It's very much lacking in a Zero System Quatre footage clip. I would have destroyed colonies en masse for two clips in particular: the laughing Quatre (the birth of ZSQuatre <3) from episode 21 and the Quatre with the submachine gun (this was normal Quatre too, which made it all the sweeter XD) in the episode after the recap episodes... when he and Heero are at the camp with the dogs... whatever episode that is. >.< I'll add them instead of the white background if I ever get my hands on them.

    Has anyone seen LingLKS's personal trailer. I think the only video it's on that's available for local download right now is Turning Japanese:A tribute to cosplay. It's really worth the download if for nothing else but the trailer. She's a sicko. She's my roommate. XD Love you Ling! (Not that she sees this. @_@ Silly Ling.)

    I'm tired, it's 2:30 AM, Ling comes home tomorrow and I need to clean the room before she does so... >.< 46% of an AMV with over 3 hours left before it's completed... I won't be getting any other videos tonight I guess. *sad*

    Logging off,
    Zero System Quatre

    Another night, and the hangar needs to be cleaned. Where's that manual on how to dispose of freshly dead bodies again? Oh, there! XD Now, TO WORK! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! XD 
  • Sandrock's Log 0007 - THANK YOU 2005-08-04 06:23:05 Just a quickie before running off to bed.

    I just stayed up with my latest video loading onto Kero (dialup be damned for the 8 hour process... >.<) and it just finished. I hope you enjoy it, minna!

    I want to say thank you to everyone who downloaded Look to Heaven - I have 100 hits as of 6:21 AM 8-4-05~! ARIGATO GOSAIMASU!

    The Ayumi Project's Pretear section is completed, though the vid quality is poor and I may end up re-doing it later. >.< I need more footage before I can continue... I'll get back to it eventually. Until then, there's always another Saiyuki video, ne? *laughs heartily at self*

    Oyasumi nasai!

    Logging off ~ Quatre

    Another... morning? Damn, that was fast - Look at all that devastation! XD 
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