Well I lost that bet
2008-07-20 20:56:32
I actually finished a video. One that was more than 10 seconds long even. On the bright side, it has shitty ass video quality and scene choices that were 'whatever, close enough'. It just wouldn't be a real godix video if it took effort and looked good. Where the fun in that?
So THAT'S what Premiere looks like
2008-07-14 00:56:06
It's been so long since I opened it I had forgotten.
For the last couple years I've had a bad habit of never finishing anything. I'd come up with some idea/editing trick that I wanted to try so I'd open up premiere and do it. Then after that 10 seconds of footage was done I'd nod happily and go 'yeah, that does work' then delete the project. I did what I wanted to, why waste all that time putting together a full video? Which is to a large degree why there's only one vid on my profile in the last couple years that took any real effort (and that was a MEP I headed, when I drag other people into it I tend to feel more responsible and actually get something done).
Which all makes it rather odd that I'm editing now. I decided I'm gonna do a Pro video and didn't feel like thinking up a video that's only a couple seconds long like my last two Acen submissions. So I'm editing like mad and now I remember why I quit editing seriously to begin with, this shit is fucking boring as all hell. I mean really, it takes like an hour to rip a DVD, make the d2v file, find which script settings will work for it, then scan through it for the right scene. All for what amounts to five seconds of video. Christ this sucks. Even worse, I had forgotten how long it takes me to edit when I actually try caring, at least a little, about the result. It's so much easier to slap a clip down and go 'it kinda syncs, close enough' than all this fiddling around moving clips 2 frames this way or that way to get it exact and shit. Odds are I'm gonna blow the Pro deadline even if I do the FTP submission request trick to gain a couple more days. I'll probably send in what amounts to a beta. Or, perhaps, at the last minute I'll just pull off another thing like my vid last year.
Anyone wanna make a bet me editing doesn't last more than a couple days? I got $10 that says I won't even get to the halfway point of the video. Considering I'm typing this for the sole reason that I'm bored of editing at the moment I figure I got pretty good odds on that bet.
2007-10-03 13:48:34
So now the my opinion given tells us how many people have put our videos on their favorite list. Which leads me to wonder, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? I mean jesus christ on dildo, if you're favoriting my videos you need some major psychiatric help. Seriously, the best I can say about my videos is that at least they aren't as bad as inthesto's. And that's a pretty low bar of judgment considering the exact same thing could be said about the shitstains in my underwear. So to anyone who has put my video as their favorite I just want to say, get some fucking taste already.
As a side note, I notice 34 people have put AMV Hell 0 in their favorite list. I can only hope the FBI has made a note of who you are so they can properly investigate the kiddie rapist, bestiality fans, and just plain sick people of the org.
2007-02-17 04:23:08
Ok, this has turned into a lot more drama that it's worth. I was banned for a week. I consider it no big deal and I see no reason anyone else should either. Do I deserve it? Personally I don't think I did for the reasons given but there are plenty of other things I've done before to justify it. I'm also quite certain that the all 1 op thread was a straw that broke the camels back rather than the be all end all reason. Anyone who knows me knows that me being banned, and eventually permabanned, is a matter of 'when' not 'if'. I'm not a martyr guys, it's not worth getting outraged on my behalf. I said, basically, the same thing but shorter in IRC earlier today and my comments got cut and pasted into the forum accurately. And I would have left it at that but things have grown beyond the point where it's about me or my ban anymore and that's what I want to address here.
I'm aware the orgs administration wants to 'avoid any schism between forumites and administration' however in all seriousness you guys are years too late for that. That schism has been there since, at minimum, the time I became active on the forums. The mods don't communicate with each other and they don't communicate with the users. Without communication there is obviously a schism. The proof of this is right there in the same post where they say they want to avoid a schism. My all 1 op thread had been active for around a week before this and a mod had already modified posts in it 3 times. Clearly at least one person in the administration knew what was going on and if one knew there should be no reason that a week later another did not. I don't except every mod to know what's happening in every post, that's clearly insane. However if one mod had to take action in the thread then every mod should be notified of that. I know there is a mod only forum on the org but I don't know what goes into it. This is the type of thing that SHOULD go into it.
As for communicating with users you guys just plain don't. I've been a major headache to the mods at times but do you know how many times I have gotten a pm from a mod saying 'You're taking this too far, just drop it now'? Never. I have been banned three times and I have had god alone knows how many topics locked or posts deleted but not once has that been accompanied by a pm saying 'We're sick of this, stop spamming images' or whatever it was I happened to be doing at the time. Several times things that I personally would have deleted if I were a mod were left be for days on end before locking or never locked at all. Without any official word on what is really considered a problem the only metric I can go by is 'well they didn't do anything about it so clearly it must be ok to do that'. It's pointed out this isn't the first time I've played with the op system and that's true. I've done it at least twice before (although I suspect the mods only remember once but whatever). The first time I did it there was no action at all. The thread died quietly when it quit generating new response. No lock. No warning to not abuse the op system. No indication at all that this was a problem. Now I know full well it was against the intended purpose of the op system but barring any feedback the only reasonable conclusion was it was a misuse that no one minded. The second time the thread was left open for several days until after DTSEM got #1 and the point of the thread was finished anyway. Again no indication playing with the op system is actually something the admins mind. Considering they kindly let it go until after the joke was done the indication is quite the reverse. This time my playing with the op system had been there for a week. Again no indication what I was doing is considered a problem and seeing that a mod knew what was going on because they edited post in it but still kept the thread open can only be reasonably construed as it wasn't an issue with them. Until, of course, it became an issue and I got banned. So yes, they're right, I have played with the op system before. And the fact that there were no indications given to me that was a problem is why I played with it again. I can understand why the mods don't communicate, no one wants to waste lots of time writing 'stop that' messages to people. Especially someone who constantly skates the line. But lets consider it this way. Imagine you have a young child. One day the child pulls down his pants and pisses right on the floor. You don't say or do anything about it till days later when you wipe up the piss. Later on the child again drops his drawers and pisses on the floor. Again you do nothing. A third time the child pisses on the floor and that's it, you've had enough. So you spank the kid and send it to bed early as punishment. Where is the problem here, the kid or the parent who never told the kid that shouldn't be done? Now clearly I'm not a child, if I were that dumb I'd still be wandering around going 'why the ban? What did I do wrong?' but the point is with mod feedback I should have known I'd get banned before I posted the all 1 op thread when actually, based on past experience, I figured it'd get quickly locked and that'd be that. Obviously I was wrong and no big deal, like I said I'm not trying to say I shouldn't have been banned but rather I'm trying to show why this case shows there are problems going on a lot deeper than just the administration dodging criticism from the public (which, incidentally, I don't think they do. When an issue comes up they do deal with it, the problem is it should have been dealt with before it became such an issue). So far no one else has seemed to pick up on this problem either, probably because I'm the only one that realistically knows how total the lack of feedback I get from mods is. This current issue isn't the only example of communication problems either, the recent multiple bannings for spamming images shows the same thing. Previous times it happened the thread was locked once a mod saw it and nothing further is done. All of a sudden and with no indication things have changed it became a ban worthy offense. The mods know who the people that usually do this are however none of us ever got a pm saying 'we're sick of this, stop it or else'. Instead the first and only indication that had become a ban worthy offense was when people got banned for it. Well guess what, if this is how the system works then your users are going to keep pissing on the floor and you're going to eventually lose your temper and spank them. Communication guys, it does wonders. And without it there will be a schism between the forumites and administration the same as there has been for years.
So very long post summed up: I set out to prove a point about the need to read topics closely. I ended up highlight a point about the total lack of communication between the mods and users.
By the way, one last thing. I've interacted with Dokidoki several times and he has always been nice about it. Even the times when I know I had just caused him a lot of extra admin work. Hell, he's been nice even on those times when I know I'm the direct reason he has to take time out of his life to attend a mod meeting on my latest stunt. I am absolutely convinced that he did not play favorites. I can see where the claim comes from, especially since it was the same user against cornwiggle and me (I can not prove that but I am quite positive it's true) but I think it's just appearances and not reality. Especially since Dokidoki's sense of humor when he posts he banned someone makes it appear he passes out bans at the drop of a hat when in fact he does not. At worst he was uninformed of exactly what was going on, and as I mention above that's hardly unique to him.
Because someone asked for this
2007-02-16 05:28:49
If you're reading this you probably know about the sig I had for a long while. The one that said "This guy's videos suck more than a choirboy giving 'confession' to his priest." and linked back to your own profile. So we were talking about funny biters and I mentioned I kept the pms from the funniest one so far and he wanted to see it. So here it is. Forgive the sloppy format, cutting and pasting from pms looks like ass but I don't feel like fixing it
From: fatandpowerful1
To: godix
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 10:48 pm
Subject: ...
What do you have against me, huh? Why are you gonna go and diss me just because you think my videos are bad? I've never done anything to you and I kindly ask that you please take that sentence off your signature. I don't want to start a fight or anything and I'd really rather not report you for harrassing me. I'd much rather handle things like an adult and settle our disoute peacefully.
From: godix
To: fatandpowerful1
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 12:06 am
Subject: Re: ...
ur a fag. lol. welcome to the internets
From: fatandpowerful1
To: godix
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 7:50 am
Subject: Re: ...
wow. That entire thing made you sound like you were 5 years old.
From: godix
To: fatandpowerful1
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:27 am
Subject: Re: ...
me hungry. give me tit, bitch. ga ga fucking goo goo.
From: fatandpowerful1
To: godix
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 5:40 pm
Subject: Re: ...
Wow. You are probably THE DUMBEST person on the org I've ever met.Usually, when I get a bad review, people are smart and tell me what could have gone better. But you're just like "It sux. LOL!!11!1 I roxorzzzzz!!11111111". 'Sides, you're AMV's aren't exactly the cream of the crop either.
From: godix
To: fatandpowerful1
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:39 pm
Subject: Re: ...
I see no reason I should put up with your persistent flames and insults. I have reported you to the mods. Good day sir.
From: fatandpowerful1
To: godix
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:29 pm
Subject: Re: ...
Alright. I apologize for insulting you. But in all honesty, if you hadn't put that sentence in your signature, none of this would've happened. But you know what? Forget it. It's trivial fighting and I just don't feel like argueing with you. Sooo..... screw it. Forget the fight.
From: godix
To: fatandpowerful1
Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:23 am
Subject: Re: ...
And you still haven't caught on. Man, when you bite you don't half ass about it do you?
I have not heard from him since. The fact that I got HIM to apologize to ME still cracks me up even though it's been a couple months. But the kicker, the thing that will make me remember this particular exchange for a long long time, is his profile. He hasn't changed it since our email exchange so you can take a look at it and find out why I consider him the biggest, and funniest, biter ever.
Current server time: Jan 11, 2025 23:21:15