Hey Greggus1
2006-12-05 18:59:22
Meanies has it's own category? Why? There's a grand total of like 3 meanies on the site. And believe me, it takes far more than not using smilies to be a meanie. Not using smilies just means you're a sane and well adjusted person who doesn't feel the need to announce "I have no sense of humor so I have to label every joke for the morons who are like me." To be a meanie you have to live by the motto "If you can't say anything nice about someone then it's time to leave an op" or "if you can't find something mean to say then you just haven't thought about it enough". And we form the wall of the pros fortress? Like hell motherfucker. You obviously haven't been paying attention. The meanies are actually more likely to target the pros than anyone else. There's something about the pretentious arrogance of some pros that demands someone prick their ego like a 6 year old boy being pricked by Michael Jackson. And we're just the pricks to do it. Noobs aren't worth our time unless they're exceptionally annoying. Anyway, I think I speak for all of us meanies when I say we prefer to term 'asshole'. Why mince words? People yes, they're very fun to mince. Especially if you happen to have a very large blender and start with the feet. The screams are quite satisfying and I've often thought of recording them and using them in a video (probably a video where I show the audience reaction when they watch one of Decoy's technique beats). But words? Nah, why bother? We're assholes, plain and simple. It's why we have to deal with the astounding amount of shit the org produces.
I don't understand OmniStrata
2006-10-17 19:56:49
I read his journal of his wife and how he feels less lonely by himself than with her and how she obviously doesn't pay attention to what he does anymore. Then I look at my life where I frequently hear nagging about how horrible I am for the comments I leave and I get punched for making fun on 9/11 victims and, in general, there isn't a single thing I can do on the org that she doesn't learn about some way or another. And I gotta say to myself, god, what a lucky lucky man OmniStratra is.
I see marriages falling apart
I see people ignoring each other
I see divorce lawyers with record buisness
and I think to myself , what a wonderful world.
Except when I think this I don't have stock vietnam footage and Robin Williams looking moody running in my head (and there's a reference 90% of the org is too young to catch).
Anyway, if there was ever a man who needs to do Dedicated To My Wife 2 - The Bitch Must Die then OmniStrata is that man.
Today a tragedy happen in New York
2006-10-11 22:15:36
If you haven't heard a small plane hit an apartment building in New York City today. Two people are reported dead. I consider this a tragedy. Does anyone else remember right after 9/11 when the nation pulled together? Neighbors were helping each other, random strangers would lend a hand to people, and we all felt as one. Remeber that? It was living proof that the less New Yorkers there are the better off the nation is. Today we had a chance to cut down their numbers even more and we only lost *TWO*. WHAT THE FUCK? Even some jackass with a shotgun in a school can take out more people than that. God damnit. Let this be a lesson to you all, if you ever find yourself piloting a plane in New York aim for the fucking crowds. Hit Shea Stadium during a Mets game. Plow into Times Square on New Years Eve. Nail the UN when it's in session. Just kill more than 2 damn New Yorkers ok? Christ, a plane going god knows how fast does a header in an apartment building and can't wipe out more people than I could driving in a school zone. It's a crying shame.
This isn't about AMVs
2006-10-10 04:07:49
You know what sucks about the internet? Besides Decoy's videos I mean. It's that everyone has a voice. It used to be there was a minimum to get your message out there. You had to be entertaining to get a talk show. You had to know basic english to get your letter to the editor printed. You had to be semi-decent at music to get your "The world sucks because of capitalism. Buy my album" rock star stupidity out ther. You had to have big tits. That's a sure way to get people to pay attention to you, big tits. Granted no one is actually listening to what you say but hey, they're paying attention. Maybe you could tatoo your message around your nipples or something. Am I the only one picturing a woman with huge ass titties with a tatoo of 'feed the world' on them? Probably. My mind tends to wander into strange places when I'm bored and rambling. Like the other day I realized that if you take two numbers and add them together the result is the same as their squares subtracted. IE 4 +5 = 9. 5 squared (25) - 4 squared (16) = 9. It's true of any two consecutive numbers. Really, it is. Try it and see. I'll be here waiting.
* time passes *
Ok, done? Weird ain't it? I spent half an hour thinking about that shit. Then I realized that I just spent half an hour thinking about a stupid number trick that I bet some 18th century math guy work a 350 page proof about but I never heard of it. So after realizing how pathetic I was I decided to jerk off instead. That's the nice thing about masturbation, it's the great equalizer. No matter how powerful the person is, no matter how intimdating they are, they sit down on the toilet and take dick in hand just like you and me. Unless they're female. Then they sit down and fist themselves. It's kinda comforting to know that in between invading Iraq and telling Congress to suck his dick that George Bush was beating the meat and hoping like hell that a secret service agent didn't decide to investigate to make sure he was ok because they heard weird breathing sounds. Think about it, there probably isn't a single person in the entire world about the age of 10 who hasn't masturbated at one point or another. Expect perhaps for Kitsuner. I'm sure he wants to but he just can't find it. He lost it amoung the pubic hair when he was 8 and hasn't found it again since. Of course knowing that everyone masturbates has it's downside. Like just try to get the mental image of Rosanne Barr naked on a waterbed coated in mineral oil with a Baby Jesus Butt Plug in one hole and God's Immaculate Rod in the other (those are real products by the way. Do a google search on them if you don't believe me).
Anyway, back to my point. Now that any twit with a computer, an internet connection, and an IQ above pond scum and spread their words across the world. And for the most part what the internet has taught me is that you people fucking suck. There's like one interested person for every thousand I see online. And that one is only interesting because they link me to things like porn webpages seeing Baby Jesus Butt Plugs and Jackhammer Jesus dildos. The bar has been lowered so much that even bums who limbo underneath the pay toilets door to take a shower in the shitter can get online. The fact that you all suck so much isn't that suprising. I mean I knew that the world is full of moronic fuckheads who leave their mothers belly button bruised then pray to god she doesn't get pregnant. But before the internet I had the comfort of knowing most of them were in France, an entire ocean away from me. Thanks to the web though no matter where in the world you are, you can annoy me. Thanks a fucking lot. So now that you flacid hairless assholes have access to me the least you could do is fucking entertain me. So get started amusing me god damnit. I expect to see videos of radioactive glowing monsters done to the song Shiny Happy People by this time next week.
A collection of opinions
2006-09-28 05:40:49
Here's some of the funniest or weirdest opinions for DTSEM so far and my initial thoughts on seeing them. No, I'm not doing this because I'm too lazy to respond to 80+ ops. Honest. :
"Bad - Watching this video, while trying to stop pedophiles from preying on young, innocent, naive, attactive and very, very sexy teen girls on "
How odd, I made this video because I got busted and had to stop my usual hobby of preying on young, innocent, naive, attractive and very, very sexy teen girls on
"I found nothing good with because it was impossible to load.
This AMV was horrible"
While I won't disagree I gotta wonder how you knew that if it wouldn't load.
"Marriage = meaningless, ancient control ritual we've adopted for modern times."
While I won't disagree I gotta wonder if you mistook this video for 'Dedicated to My Wife'
"This amv could be used as capital punishment in solitary confinement by making em watch it repeatedly for days on end. Once they come out they will be foaming at the mouth and their eyes and ears would be covered with blood. Thats only if they managed to survive it of course."
While I won't disagree I gotta wonder if you confused this video for Silver Moons latest infliction upon us.
Bad Godix *hits with newspaper*"
Don't be afraid of sex. It can be quite enjoyable. Unless, of course, my wife in involved. Then it's just torture.
"I fell dirty going along with this."
You shouldn't feel dirty for giving me an all 10 op. Feel dirty for what we did in the back of the candy van instead.
"Suomen valtiosääntö on vahvistettu tässä perustuslaissa. Valtiosääntö turvaa ihmisarvon loukkaamattomuuden ja yksilön vapauden ja oikeudet sekä edistää oikeudenmukaisuutta yhteiskunnassa. "
Mental note, specify english only in any future op exchanges I do.
"bad huh...welll...fuck dude those guys really did jump huh? i understood the whole... you know... theory thing, cus its a simple theory a simple know... well shit you get what im sayin dawg, but fuk, some of that editing and shit was all like woah dude WTF WAS HE SMOKIN you know lol, oh man that kills me, i think this video makes perfect since after a few beers though, i somewhat get emotional too... last time i almost cried and my friends like ITS ALL RIGHT, THAT GUY ISNT GOING TO DIE so yeah then i felt all better and shit.... "
I became depressed when I realized I understood this without having to stop and think about it.
"jou ma se poes"
Sit jou kop in die koei se kont en wag tot die bul jou kom holnaai
"now to reapeat this sentance so Ican get some usfullness points." (repeated many times)
Nice to know I'm not the only one blatently fucking with the system.
"Ayanefan told me to do this .. I'm afraid of him/her....."
Ayanefan, is there something you haven't told us about?
"It tastes like cheese."
Just because it had a song about cows doesn't mean you should lick it.
"Video quality seems good. Audio quality is decent."
Wait a second, you're giving a serious op? With scores that aren't all 10 or all 1? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?
"I've lasted 3 weeks without porn"
Try 4chan.
"This video is defiantley a keeper I'm going to show this video to my grandchildren when they get old enough."
And people wonder why children don't respect their elders.
Someone posted their thesis in their op. Well actually several people did but one in particular amused me. While skimming it I notice it was about Shakespeare in Star Trek. And suddenly I didn't feel like all that much of a nerd in comparison.
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