JOURNAL: godix

  • So sammy is coming back huh? 2005-12-29 18:38:17 I hear Sammy is being reborn. If I can catch him while his still crawled up his mothers pussy I can take care of that. Just pop the hook end of the coathanger through the eye socket and out the softspot and gently pull him out. As a bonus, he'll be on a stick so just toss on a grill and that's tonights dinner taken care of. Or, as a quick and easy alternative, give me a pair of steel toed boots and fives minutes kicking his mom and Sammys rebirth will a still birth. And to think, some people wonder how I've managed to not be a father...

    On a somewhat related note, one of my co-workers is fucking with me. Just yesterday we were talking about AMVs (for the first time with him, just for the record). He asked me who I was on the org. So I gave my username and his response was 'I don't think I've ever seen anything from you. The person I have the most vids from is Sam Farha'. I could only stare at disbelief for a few seconds before I wandered away. Later I sent him the link to ASM. He claims to not be a part of the org and says he gets videos from kazaa. Says he never even heard of the org. He never heard AD. Never heard of DokiDoki. Clueless on Mr Panda, me, or the journals in general. No idea what NTB, Whisper of the Beast, Right Now, or IWIWAL is. Yeah. Riiiiight. He has *GOT* to be someone on the org who knows about the Sammy vs everyone crap from a few months ago and is playing dumb. Which suprises me, I would never have given him credit for being able to fuck around with someone like that with a straight face. 
  • Oh, one more thing 2005-11-16 02:58:14 I shouldn't have to say this specifically but considering the average IQ of internet users these days....

    Don't actually do my MEP idea. The record label was, in it's own odd way, rather kind. They COULD have fucked Phade and the org over rather well but they didn't. Instead they settled for just removing the links and let it drop. For an industy that enjoys suing 12 year olds this is actually a kind gester and as close as we'll ever come to them admitting AMVs aren't on the same scale as Kazaa in their eyes. If you absolutely must thumb your nose at them do it in a nice, well written letter explaining why you will no longer be purchasing CDs from the artists they produce. It won't do any good of course, but neither will sending them a 'fuck you' MEP like I suggested. 
  • New MEP idea 2005-11-16 02:51:59 Here's an idea I'll toss out for anyone who wants to do it. I'd do it but I'm lazy so fuck that.

    A MEP along the lines of AMV hell where there are a bunch of short segments of various song. Have each participant find and download a parody song of Creed, Evenescence, or Seether. Make damned sure it's a parody though. Edit it all together with the final shot being a giant middle finger with the org logo as a tatoo on the guys arm. Make a watchable DVD, and mail it into the record label. It'd probably not be a good idea to upload it locally though.

    OTOH, you could just have everyone use real Creed, Evanescence, and Seether songs. I'd definately recommend not attaching your real name to thing in that case. 
  • 2005-10-30 16:07:36 "Why can't we all just be like Godix and do our graduating thesis' on the relation between kiddy porn and goat sex."

    I would be worried about what type of reputation I've earned for myself if I wasn't so busy feeling so damned proud of myself... 
  • Barnes and Noble is full of cynical bastards 2005-10-30 14:10:12 I got a gift card for Barnes and Noble for my birthday (almost two months late, but nevermind). So I'm wandering around their store looking for something decent that I don't already own already. I cruise through the kids section (hey, they got some good shit there. Madeleine L'Engle, some of Anne McCaffery, a few Terry Pratchetts, even a couple Neil Gaiman books. The kids section is worth a look). I cut through the baby picture book section so I can avoid the Harry Poter rip-off aisle entirely and there, next to My First Dump and Nappy Pubic Hair, is several copies of Farenheit 451. They're obviously a display, it wasn't just some customer tossing a book whereever they happened to be. My first reaction was 'What the fuck, what idiot put Farenheit 451 in the childrens book section?' but after thinking about it for a bit I realized that's a wise and intelligent thing to do. Childrens books are usually only vaugely related to reality, in them all people are nice and kind except for the villian who usually does nothing more evil than kicking the kids out of their yard or something. Chidlrens books are like Disney's Main Street, they're reality with all the dark and interesting bits carefully removed. So inserting Farenheit 451 amoung all this sanitized crap is great. It gives children a chance to learn that the world ain't nice, the 'authority' isn't always there to protect you, and that you can and will be hurt for being educated. I tried talking the salesman into moving 1984 over to the kiddy section or at the very least Animal Farm since it has talking animals and everything. That went so poorly that I didn't have the heart to even try getting the Kama Sutra there. 
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