JOURNAL: godix

  • Hey dumbshit 2005-10-22 20:11:03 "This is without a doubt the gayest thing I've seen since, well, I last read your journal. Let me guess, back in fourth grade your brother dressed you in your moms underwear and you've been dying to let the homosexual inside of you out for years now. So this is how you do it huh? Dude, you need to come out of the closest and quit making gay ass shit like this. Stand up, wear you mommas bra to school, and loudly announce 'I am a faggot and want some cock!' This way you won't make stupid gay shit like this video anymore AND you'll probably get a lot more respect in school than you do now. Perhaps the big boys in 5th grade will quit picking on you during recess even."

    Does this look familiar shinodude? Christ, before you go on a hissy fit about a QC you might want to make sure you know who actually left the QC. Moron.

    God, I never thought I'd say it, but I miss Sammy. Sure, he says he's coming back, but I notice he hasn't done a journal since then. Loser. At least his replies were in english though, of a sort.

    kitsunebeolnet: Yeah, I've seen that cat picture to. I immediately whipped my dick out and started wacking off. I don't like cats so if I can orgasm AND kill a cat at the same time it's a happy day for me.
  • Hi shinodude 2005-10-12 02:55:02 Do you recognize me? I'm the English language. For years now I have been quietly sitting there and taking all the abuse you've thrown at me. When people asked about my black eye I'd tell them I ran into a door rather than admit you abused the hell out me daily. Well no more. You're in 8th grade, you've almost hit puberty, you certainly should know how to treat a language right by now. We're seperating and I have a court order saying you are no longer allowed within 100 yards of me. Start speaking German, it seems to get off on the abuse. Besides, your comments won't be any less understandable if you switch to a foreign language anyway.

    However you should not wish yourself dead shinodude. I'm sure many people will miss you. Your dog won't, it's just a dumb fucking dog, it'll forget you existed in a week. Unless, of course, your mom takes awhile to bury the corpse in which case your dog will remember you fondly and will miss you when he has to go back to dry food. But I'm sure there are many would would miss you. There's ummm... well.... fuck, give me a minute here.... well damn. I'm drawing a blank. Forget about that. You shouldn't desire death because an emo is a terrible thing to waste.

    Actually, now that I think about it, I tell a lie. An emo is an EXCELLENT thing to waste. Especially with pickax to the back of the head although a shotgun will do if it's all you happen to have avalable. 'Crawling in my sk..'*BAM* HA! You're fucking dead asshole! Agnst about that! Schools out tommorow to party that your ass ain't there anymore! Imagine how great the world would be if everyone did this to the first emo they saw. Remember Columbine and how for a few days the world looked like a bright and happy place where the emos would off each other and save me all the trouble of doing it? Whatever happened to those days? I blame all the fucking prozac doctors are passing out these days.

    Some lines are such great unintentional comedy there's absolutely nothing I can say about them to make it funnier. So let me quote the most recent such line I've heard and leave it at that:

    "now i live on my own no help from others! no dinner made by my mom!"

    I laughed until I pissed my pants.

    Resendel & SSJT: Good god. Look, just make a fucking arrangement to meet each other and fuck your brains out. For gods sake, you two are engaging in the most pathetic cybersex conversation I've ever seen since MrOni tried to explain what snowballing is to a 8 year old. 
  • How odd 2005-09-08 11:07:40 My first video ever listed on the top 10% is Dedicate to Sammy. How ummm odd. Years from now will I be known for my technical dance vid? Nope. Will my couple of dramas be known for stirring the soul? Nope. Will my other comedies be held up as perfection like DDP's are? Nope. Will I be remembered for a MEP that was started because I was bored and wanted to see how much of an asshole I could be? Yup, that's the one. Ah, immortality is mine.

    Thanks for the all 10 ops guys and keep ASM in mind when VCA time comes around, I have high hopes of getting best MEP this year. AMV Hell 3/0? RoS2? Fuck em, they can't hold a candle to ASM.

    Just to note, I've gotten a couple people commenting to me about other videos I made trashing Sammy. The problem is, I haven't made any other videos trashing Sammy. You're all thinking about Mr Panda's work. AFAIK Mr Panda has made three vids insulting Sammy and one insulting Sammy's bird (why insult Sammys bird you ask? Because it fucking belongs to Sammy. That's all the reason needed). So just keep in mind, if it involves Azumanga Daioh and it insults Sammy chances are it's a Mr Panda vid. I personally have moved on to taunting the victims of Katrina (which, sadly enough, Sammy is not one of). Speaking of which, now's your chance to be an insensitive bastard and laugh at the deaths of thousands! Make a vid for KAK today!

    Incidently, damn does kitsunebeolnet do quick work. And with some footage that is far more appropriate for the task at hand than anything I could think of. Nice job. 
  • Anyone for a new MEP? 2005-09-07 04:23:50 Copied directly from

    PM me if interested, I don't pay close attention to journals so would probably miss it if mentioned there.

    A few days ago someone in #AMV suggested there be a Dedicated to Katrina MEP done with the same sense of respect and honor towards the Katrina victims that I showed towards my wife and Sammy. I've thought about it some and whoever suggested it was right. So I now announce Dedicated to Katrina (also know as KAK just because every project needs a TLA. I'll figure out what KAK stands for, besides it's slang meaning in South Africa, at a later date).

    The ground rules:
    1) 30 second segments MAX
    2) The video must directly be related to Katrina or the destruction it caused
    3) 640x480 at 24fps
    4) This will have a short deadline to remain semi-topical, vids must be gotten to me by Sunday Sept 18
    5) Either keep the violence/nudity within org guidelines for a local vid OR you are responsible for finding hosting. Similarly at least some anime must be used although I understand the temptation to do strictly RL photos is strong. I don't wanna distribute by yousendit again
    6) If less than three people show interest I ain't bothering with it
    7) Ideas solely based on blaming any politician, be it Bush or NOLA local politicians, will probably be nixed unless they are DAMNED funny. This is a project dedicated to the noble purpose of kicking people when their down, I don't want no damned political crap dragging down the fine upstanding morality I'm displaying here. Cause ya gotta have standards ya know.
    8) I already claim Under the Sea (from Little Mermaid) done to Akira

    As far as that consistant topic of conversation, Sammy: I'm done trashing him. At least as the central focus of my journal. I've done a MEP to trash him and really what can you do after that? So I may take the occasional pot shot at Sammy, he's such an easy target after all, but it isn't going to be a prime focus for me anymore.

    Speaking of Sammy though, I just PMed him an offer to reply to any/all of ASMs ops. Since I'm the one who entered it into the system I'm the only one who can reply. I decided having him reply would be funny though so I've promised him I will faithfully cut and paste and response he wants into the ops. Hopefully he'll come through with something amusing. 
  • Dedicated to Sammy (aka ASM) 2005-08-16 22:58:13 Normally I would go on a longish rant about how badly Sammy sucks here. Instead of doing that today (again) I'll just let our video speak for us. Dedicated to Sammy is now up and, at the moment, avalable at

    For the others in this project, I've added you as collabs but you'll need to verify that now. 
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 22:09:50