Just an observation
2005-07-29 23:31:46
Hey Sammy, I'm just wondering, have you ever worked with special ed kids? You know how very rarely one of them will come up with a trick that's actually amusing so you tell the little idiot that's a nice trick and pat him on the head then send him to play with his blocks, shit his pants, or whatever it is idiots do. So a little while later the retard comes up and shows you the exact same trick again and your reaction is 'that's nice. Why don't you go see if you can figure out how the crayons work?' An hour later, sure enough, the ignorant SOB comes up and shows you the same trick yet again. By this point you're getting a little sick of it but still, the kids got the same IQ as George Bush so you try to be nice and just send him off to be hypnotized by the ceiling fan. Later on the god damned crack baby bastard comes up and shows you the same fucking trick and acts like it's the greatest damned thing since Adam discovered sheep don't get headaches. You know it's wrong to curse out a 10 year old that's so god damned moronic they still can't even spell their name but you just can't resist yelling 'CUT IT OUT YOU DEFECTIVE FEEBLE MINDED IMBECILE! I'VE ALREADY SEEN THE MOTHER FUCKING TRICK YOU MONGOLOID!'
Mr Panda: Do me a favor, give that guy my email address. Let him know I'll probably back down quickly if he threatens my life.
I love the internet
2005-07-27 17:22:18
Where else can you find one moron with no ability at all in the english language offering help to another moron with no ability at all in the english language?
"1. IM me and I can tell u the spelling" - wynzerman
I would like to know the spelling on the word 'you'. More accurately, I'd like to know if YOU know the spelling of the word 'you'.
"I'm sure u've read this but heres the link cuz I don't want people screaming down meh throat about how mean you are in your opinions" - wynzerman
I love this sentance. Not only have you, again, fucked up the word 'you' but you've also managed to screw up 'because' and, for some stupid reason, turned the word 'my' into something that actually has more letters into it. Christ, it damn near requires a Rosetta Stone to translate from whatever language that is you're writting into comprehensible english. Then, once I've managed to interpret your multitude of improperly shortened words, pointless acronyms, and general gibberish it turns out all you had to say boils down to 'Hi, I'm a moron'. Sammy looks almost literate by comparison.
I also love that nice touch of using curse words while complaining about pornography. I have to wonder if the females reading are glad you defended their virgin eyes or annoyed you did so with phrases like 'morronic asshole' and 'jackass'. On thing is for sure, you'll never win the Miss Manners award for knowing how to treat a lady.
You finally did it Sammy
2005-07-26 23:53:27
You finally made a journal entry insulting me that I found amusing. Congrats. I think you should offer to do interviews for the next org newsletter, I for one would find that hysterical. Hell, I'll even volunteer to be the first victim if you need.
There is a 'Woking' you moron. It's a suburb of London. Get a better dictionary. You can put it on the shelf next to the thesaurus you bought to find synonyms of 'hate'. That'll make a whole *TWO* books you own that don't have the word 'throbbing', 'passion', 'desire', or 'fuck monkey' in the title. You're on your way to becoming an intellectual!
x2. Or x3. Or xHoweverManyHaveAlreadyDoneThis+1.
I hate to say it
2005-07-26 16:39:10
but Sammy is right. What I said is wrong and I should appologize. Earlier I compared his video, History of Anime, to Jar Jar from Star Wars. I have since realized that Jar Jar is known by millions, loved by children, is fairly well animated, and he is a highly profitable. In short, Jar Jar is everything that History of Anime is not. Plus he speaks better english than Sammy does. So I would like to formally appologize to George Lucas. I am deeply sorry for my error and would greatly appriciate it if you didn't sue me for slander and defamation of character for comparing your work to Sammys. Thank you George, you're a cool guy (Jar Jar is still annoying as shit though despite his obvious superiority to History of Anime).
So I notice in his 'interview' that I have reclaimed the most hated spot. Good, it's nice to know my work has acheived something. I also note the he considers Wildmix his best video. Thanks, it's useful to know that type of thing if I fall off your most hated list again.
In order to keep an Sammy's journal alive...
2005-07-25 23:24:38
Sammy has nothing to talk about. If this continues he might get bored enough to quit his journal entirely (again, no really, honest this time. Seriously). I will now give Sammy something to rant about since what would the org be like without Sammys journal entries? Well, actually it'd be better and more polite. I'm still gonna try and work him up though, I'm bored. Besides, I'm no longer the most hated person on Sammys list an my ego needs the re-enforcement of being someones most hated.
First off, I decided to take a stab at that banner thing Sammy mentioned. Here's the results, hope you enjoy it.
Histoy of Anime:
Does this video have a redeeming aspect to it? Even one? If so I failed to find it, although to be fair after the first 30 or 40 seconds I did start randomly skipping around to see if it ever improved (it doesn't) so I might have missed something.
It has all the video quality of a realmedia preview for a porno site . No matter how hard you stare at it you just can't figure out if that pinkish blob is a tit, a dick, a blow job, or what. Then like a Magic Eye everything clicks and you realize it's none of those, it's just some bitch in a bikini acting like a cock tease. The parts you can tell what they are end up being just a boring montage of various things with all the really good bits cut out and the only people who could consider this interesting are tweleve year old geeks who still get a hard on from watching the sailor moon transformation. Which I believe was actually shown in the video, at least Sammy knows his target audience well. Or maybe the video was just his excuse to play the transformation over and over again until he had splattered so much stuff on his monitor that he mistook the Transformers part for bukkake.
At first I thought 'at least he didn't abuse effects' and throughout most of the video he didn't. But towards the end it seems he finally mastered how to do the plain white flash and he was damned well going to keep doing it over and over and over like a spastic monkey in a psych experiment who constantly hits a button that makes him cum. I know from other videos that Sammy learned how to do lens flares (although it seems to have taken him years to figure it out) so all he has left to master in of the cheesy triefica of stupid effects is shatter. I image he's begging some 10 year old hacker for a copy of After Effects right now.
I would give him credit for some originality but he ripped of his own fucking idea years later. And he managed to get what I call the Star Wars effect, the sequel was so shitty that it's now impossible to derive any joy and see any originality to the orignal. In the same way you can't watch the very first, original, Star Wars without part of your mind thinking of Jar-Jar and cringing you can't watch History of Anime without part of your mind pulling up the second piece of shit and just ruining everything. I don't know when he'll make a third history of anime but at the rate he's going I already know it'll basically be the equivelent of my monitor getting up, walking across the desk, and taking a huge heaping dump on my lap.
Hey, I just found a redeeming feature! Deleting this fucker has just given me the greatest happiness since I found out drilling a hole in a cantalope and microwaving makes it warm and moist for my enjoyment. If you'll excuse me, I think I'll go download this a few more times just to re-experience that brief moment of nirvana when I see it in the recycle bin.
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