JOURNAL: SketchPCIS (Chris Hawkins)

  • 2005-05-03 17:12:37 So yeah, looks like my two videos are actually doing alright.

    I've gotten 4.33 on the VHD one 'Death on the BattleField'...which still kinda shocks me. I (personally) don't really think it's as good as it could have been.

    I know for a fact that my Blood the Last Vampire Video sucks...heh...but it kinda grows on ya. If one for the one part of it. What gets to me is the fact that it has more hits than the VHD one o.O


    Actually, as of writing this, they both have a little over 200 hits combined. That, again, shocks me a bit.

    But hey, works for me =D 
  • GAH!! 2005-05-03 06:47:16 It ate my first post ;_;

    And it was a good/long one too >.<

    Ah well.

    My 2nd video sucks. My 1st one is ok.

    2nd is funny/comedic.

    I'm a writer!


    There...that pretty much gets it in a nutshell 
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