JOURNAL: Atarashii Hito (Jimmy Newman)

  • Goddess' Vision 2003-08-16 12:51:42 I'm finally getting the source again for Ah! My Goddess the Movie, so I can finish this video:

    I got fed up with it when I was working on it. But then I reviewed what I had done on it (after I deleted the DVD off of my HD of course) and I felt the urge to complete it.

    I'm also doing an "action whore" video. Just because I can. 
  • Wow 2003-05-01 01:58:02 I am simply in love with the Stars...

  • Dangling Carrot 2003-04-27 17:34:38 Just recently uploaded 2 of my videos to the new download system, and I have to say, it is a nexcellent one at that!
    Smooth Upload Process, Smooth Downloads.

    Anyways, I think this has just increased the's greatness level 10x fold.

    I also got a chance to enter my Kakumei^2 video into Otakon and Animazement via Otaku Video's awesome upload service!

    Hope everyone can now see at least my Kakumei^2 video, it's my favorte out of all of my videos so far. I'd love to hear about what other people think of it.

    I'm also finally finished with my DDR Project Track, I just need to find the time to sit now and get some quality time with my FTP program... It's a ridiculously huge file to try to be uploading it via FTP, around 600mb... But I guess it could be worse, I just gotta do it, I'm really happy with how it turned out too.

    Go Me.
  • Paranoid Android 2003-02-25 21:51:10 My Paranoid Android video is up for download this week!

    Please Download and review!

    Thank you~! 
  • Contesties 2003-02-06 22:33:04 I won a contest for once.
    This makes me happy ^_^ <-- See? Happy!

    MindWarp Entertainment's Best Upbeat Video for their Fall/Winter 2003 Online AMV Contest with my Kakumei^2 video. This makes me extremely happy.


    I also have lovely Live journal now. Username: Atarashiihito


Current server time: Dec 27, 2024 00:52:07