nick_dp (Nick DePersio)
Forehead, meet palm
2003-04-25 11:21:07
Damn typos... completly screw up links. How can one video be this big a pain in my ass?
Urge to kill rising...
2003-04-25 00:22:45
Somewhere in the process of saving my video, uploading it to my server, and posting the link it became the largest text file I've ever seen...
Anyway, link is fixed. Words cannot describe my feelings (well, I suppose they could, but my vocabulary would be limited to mostly words like **** and I just don't feel like typing all those astricks.)
w00t! Another video! But...
2003-02-06 22:25:55
I lied. I did more Final Fantasy VII. I can't help it. Do what you know, and what I know is Final Fantasy. But... I also used Final Fantasy VIII, so in that aspect I did do something different. More importantly, I'd say my latest video blows both of my old ones out of the water. Partially due to my discovery of the "Advanced Options" button. Heh... I feel so stupid. And I wondered why my first videos were so much smaller than normal, file size wise anyway. Oh yeah... music. "Trust" by Megadeth. Awesome song. I've been wanting to do an AMV using that song for a while, but it didn't happen for a while. Anyway, if you read this, give my video a shot. It's titled Betrayed. And rate it, damn it! I don't care what you say, but I want some friggin' opinions.
New video
2002-09-10 18:00:53
Yeah, yeah, I know. Broaden my horizons. Choose a different anime. Well, sue me. I did another FF7 video. It's only my second one. And I think it's quite an improvement on the first. But you be the judge, eh? But this will probably be my last FF7 video, but I guess you never know. Anyway, I chose "Blue Monday" by Orgy. Seemed to fit the theme of the video nicely. Enjoy it. Or don't enjoy it. See if I care. I like it, and I feel a sense of accomplishment for making it, so I've accomplished what I set out to do. But if you do download it and have some constructive comments to make, by all means do so. I know I could use advise.
Video Finally Working... Happy day :)
2002-09-06 13:18:36
Took two weeks, but I finally got a working link to my video. I need advice. Maybe someone will read this, go download my video, and then give me advice. I mean, it's a small file, as videos go, only 7.14 MB. Can't take that long... *hint hint, wink wink*
Current server time: Jan 13, 2025 03:22:58