JOURNAL: darkangel199113 (Rosemary Lucas)

  • Note: 2006-05-28 22:30:40 I have told not once but a two or maybe even three times that I do not want anyone to download the current videos that I have.

    So if you want me to hunt you down and zap you with my little ray gun O_o then stop downloading them because there all stolen footage and I'm trying my hardest to make it up to Katie and everyone else here at the org.

    I would love it if everyone did what I say because I'm still getting Quick Comments about them whitch is really making me want to pull out my little ray gun.

    Hed my warning cause I will be keeping track of the local downloads. 
  • Hopeful 2006-05-28 19:51:36 Maybe sometime this week I'll have my DVD Drive and then I can go crazy with AMV's 
  • Soon I hope 2006-05-27 19:52:06 One day my DVD Drive will be put up and then I will make an AMV even if it kills me...I must not let the public down, I have so many great ideas but I can't show them until my brother has enough time to set up my DVD Drive.

    I wish that I knew how to do it myself, or had enough maney to hire someone to do it. 
  • ....... 2006-05-27 19:18:07 Just got back from another load of the stuff we're moving...

    I wish we were done moving now, but that won't happen anytime soon. And soon I'm going to summer school...

    I hate my life...Just Kiding, I just wish I didn't have to unpack anything. 
  • Hey peps 2006-05-26 15:19:17 I really need to start leaveing more entries in here, but what should I talk about?

    I will talk about nothing...This is a entry about nothing, it's best if you don't read this.

    I'm so bored...there's really nothing to do but unpack shit...but I don't want to unpack a box of stuff right now, maybe later...

    Anyways, have a nice day everyone. :) 
Current server time: Jan 06, 2025 07:10:51