JOURNAL: darkangel199113 (Rosemary Lucas)

  • To JaddziaDax 2005-11-05 17:08:00 I was just wondering how do I get the admis or whatever you call them to delete my videos, cause I`ve asked them a million times and they always say no. 
  • 2005-09-24 21:20:40 Everyone I just want to say I`m sorry and I`d wish to make more videos but not useing other people`s videos and I didn`t know that it was agents the rules.So once I actally have time to I`ll make one with my own footaga. 
  • How Horrible it is 2005-09-22 02:32:09 Ya know for the past few days ever since Hurrcane Katrina I`ve been so sad.I feel so bad for what happend there and now they have Rita to worry about.I`m also worried because my step-dad is down there where the hurricane is about to hit and I`m kinda worried.

    I do hope that someone else in this site shares my sadness and feels sorry for those people. 
  • It`s great to be home 2005-09-19 13:46:44 I home and I`m happy cause I left my thangs behind to make videos, so I went a month without making videos. 
  • ... 2005-08-29 12:58:43 I was wrong, I`m back cause I larened how to work this pc. 
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:12:01