JOURNAL: OhMyBelldandy009 (Sarah Jesse)

  • Meow 2003-05-11 08:37:25

    I feel acomplished. I stayed up all night listening to the men be drunk and my mom be pissed, and I thought about someone special. They were nice thoughts that I plan to hold onto as long as I can.

    I had a dream about basketball and upper body strength... Chris was in it, and some other kids from school.

    And the guys went out for cigarettes at 1 AM and came home at 4:30. Hmm... 
  • Mother's Day 2003-05-11 08:19:00 Hmm... Tom and the boys are all really drunk, and Tom's driving Meghan home. Mom gets no Mother's Day, seeing as there is no money. At least Tom's gone. -_-

    Pat's sprawled out across my TV room floor. Yeesh, he can sleep in my bed if he wants. 
  • Jesus Christ... 2003-05-10 19:10:45 My family is not very good to me. I try to be quiet and stay out of their way. Today, Meghan wanted to use my hoola hoop. Actually, she started using it without even asking me. I demanded it back, and after patiently waiting for the insolent brat to stop ignoring me, I put it away. I am not without reason, heh. I have plenty of reasons for almost all of my decisions. Meghan and Hannah did not ask me. Had they asked, I may have been more inclined to let them borrow it. My other reason is just that Meghan is destructive, and the last time she used it, the sparkly pink seal was pealing off.

    Later on, Tom and Jimmy are watching DVDs. Meghan was being loud and annoying because she wasn't raised right and Hannah was doing the same because she's an idiot. Jimmy is getting all pissy and wants them out of the TV room. In desperation, Tom allows Meghan to take Hoopy without my consent and to get out of his face. I, of course, overheard that one part about taking my toy and I put my foot down. Tom said if I won't do a favor for him, I can't be on the computer. I couldn't believe this. I was deprived of ice cream because Meghan didn't want me to come along, and I was also deprived my hoagie that I have been asking for for weeks.

    Hmmm... Let me see, what would compel me to do a favor for Tom? He said I couldn't have my lunch because there was no money. Then he later gives Hannah and Meghan the amount of money I could've used to buy myself what I wanted. Even if I did lend Hoopy to Meghan, Tom still wouldn't get me what I want. I also still don't own Spirited Away. Hmmm... He goes off on a limb, saying how he was so nice to have bought me food when I was sick. I mean, isn't that like a basic human right or something? Yeesh. I don't know where he gets off not letting me go on the computer that isn't his and saying how he was so great to have bought me the food that I would've starved without with my mother's money. He could've given me the money and I would've walked to the store. I had more than a week on my hands...

    And ya know what else? WE STILL DIDN'T SEE X2.

    Grr... I took a shower. Hannah bursted in to the bathroom right in the middle of it, and when I came out I was sprayed with water. I guess it doesn't matter because I was wet anyway. Afterwards, I got online to type this up. Tom tried to tell me no, but I talked him out of it. I'm not going to let them walk all over me. It's not like I'm leeching off of him. I am a 14 year old girl. 
  • Wow... 2003-05-10 17:54:55 I just read a very romantic story, and it's something that really happened.

    All I can say is "wow." 
  • Wallpaper Making Has Venting Powers 2003-05-10 17:39:28

    Kurumi is cute. 
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