JOURNAL: Zabet (EliZABETh Is Me)

  • 2002-05-30 15:38:09 Whee. O-town here I come. Too bad it'll most likely be raining the entire drive down. stupidsunshinestatenosunshineweatherrawr. 
  • Cause I can't TYPE, I can't talk. Only thing about me is the way I walk. 2002-05-29 21:45:03 Hahaha! Yes, "I Billy Joel"

  • It's just another manic Monday. I wish it was Sunday. 'Cause that's my funday. My I don't have to runday. (whatever the hell that means...) 2002-05-29 21:37:45 Finished my C++ project. Also finished the C++ project my teacher decided to spring on us TODAY. Oh, and guess what my COBOL teacher decides today. That's right, exam on Monday *grumble*, with a review on Friday (Which I'll be missing because I'll be at JACON. At least I have my priorities straight.) So, I went through the syllabus just to make sure I hadn't overlooked the exam date. Nope, he didn't have them listed specifically, he just said they would come with advanced warning. Less than a week isn't what I usually think of as "advanced warning". Rawr. So, yeah, today sucked just as much as I thought it would, and then some.
    I got my new JACON shoes today. So, I guess I'll have to get a Sbarro's cup and take a picture, eh?

    Something odd: I rarely listen to the radio, but the last time I was in my car, I took the CD I had in my stereo out so I could rip a song. So, the radio came on and I left it because I Billy Joel song was playing (why can't I think of the name of it?). So I never put a CD in today, and for the whole hour and a half(split up) I spent in my car today I listened to the radio. And! (This is the odd part.) I heard Manic Monday twice. Okay, maybe it's not that strange, but I thought it was. Hell, it's not even Monday.

    I should probably be packing.
    I should probably be eating dinner.
    I should probably be doing laundry.

    I should probably <i>not</i> turn on HBO or I will be sucked into watching whatever crummy movie is on, and I will never do the things I should be doing.
    I have no HBO self-control. >_<
  • It's not my fault. I know, I know. Half of my videos. I just can't help it. You don't want to know what shirt I'm wearing today, I assure you. 2002-05-29 00:32:54 My video is exporting now.
    So, I will be showing it at JACON. I had a really good time making it. My last two videos had high stress levels involved, but this one was actually relaxing to make. And I'm glad the song is now stuck in my head. I think that's why I decided to make it now, instead of making it after I finish my other one. My other one is pretty much the opposite of this one, and that's all I'm going to say about that... It's been decided that I'll be leaving for JACON Thursday. But, I've got one hell of a day tomorrow, and it's gonna suck. On campus from 9:30-3:30. Home, but studying from 4-6. Back on campus from 6:45-8. Also, I've got a C++ project due Saturday night, so if I don't finish it tomorrow, I'll be squirming to finish it Thursday before I leave. Doody.
    My video is done exporting now.

    In completely unrelated news, I have now been red flagged by the CIA. Go me! ^_^ 
  • the following journal entry contains: nothing exciting 2002-05-26 13:08:26 Spent yesterday capturing and editing, and intend to spend much of today and tomorrow doing the same. My video single has turned into videos plural. And they're both going well so far. Forecast for being able to show either one as a finished product during the MTT hour at JACON: Highly doubtful. (Might show another little diddy though.)
    Maybe I'll show one in a rough form, we'll see. I'm usually not very generous in showing the public my unfinished work. Most often, I'll ask someone in MTT for their opinion. I asked one of my roommates once, "Does this looked timed right?" to which I got a blank stare and an "uh... sure." It wasn't very surprising, although I did expect more of a "For the love of God, if I say yes, will you stop playing that line of the song over and over again?! *smash speakers*"

    Yay three day weekend, and yay JACON next weekend. ^_^
    Boo to going to class between now and next weekend, and boo to the exams I have the week after JACON. 
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