through a door.....??
2005-06-22 16:09:41
I got thrown through a door today. Big fight in an office. The other person has a broken arm.
To Keo
2005-06-21 11:31:06
No prob at all. I like giving opinions, i wish people would reply to them though.
Update ^^
2005-06-20 16:06:24
Ive added a bit extra to my profile and done some more opinions, eventually all of my downloads will have opinions. Thats it really ^^
Will i ever finish?
2005-06-18 14:58:27
Some of my pals on here are getting impatient, they really are BIG fans of my videos, they want all of my videos up in 2 days lol
2005-06-15 15:16:53
Yea another email from someone because i type funny again!?!?
I am Scottish!!
Thats why i talk weird, i was brought up with scottish gaelic and even still my english is that good. lol. ^^
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