JOURNAL: kontrol (baka yaro)

  • excel vs mtv 2004-01-15 13:13:59 ok maybe i'm a crackhead but it occured to me the other day that the series of voiceover skits using some anime clips they did on mtv about 9 years ago were clips from excel saga. well i have no respect for mtv so i didn't really pay attention then. damn i wish i had now cause i remember it was fucking hilarious.

    hmm.. or i could have hallucinated the whole thing. but i swear there was a skit straight out of excel saga about running out of budget so they couldn't show any mouth movement. 
  • fortune cookies 2004-01-13 14:57:29 ok so i had two fortune cookies. the first one i opened said:
    "you will soon be crossing the great waters."
    Immediately drawn conclusion: I'm gonna die.

    so then i open the second cookie:
    You take an optimistic view of life.
  • wie sind koenig 2004-01-06 15:27:59 everyone sucks and the one who sucks least is king 
  • the deal with chibi 2004-01-05 14:34:06 yo what the fuck is the deal with super deformed shit and chibi "cuteness?" i just don't see anything kawaii about what's supposed to be kawaii. well its more like i can't take anything like that seriously. i mean there's no inherent value in "cuteness." why the fuck should something "cute" appeal to me when there's absolutely no emotional value of substance attached to it? well its really irrelevant that it doesn't appeal to me, the point is that there's no merit/worth in cuteness for the sake of cuteness.

    so what the fuck am i ranting about? basically i'm ranting about the fact that i take anime very seriously and i feel that it undermines the serious merit of anime when anime is represented through meritless methods. (by which i mean the pervasive face of anime to the general public is represented through that which is rather insignificant within the anime community and the medium as a whole) its the same problem with movies. only recently are hollywood movies being considered in a serious academic environment. but it took forever for the academic community to give movies any credit at all for their literary value. i mean there's absolutely no value in a movie like for instance "striptease". but you can't say the same about "12 monkeys" or "Citizen Kane." wouldn't it be an injustice to use "striptease" to represent the value of all movies?

    in the same way it bothers me that when people in the US think anime, they think pokemon, dbz, or some kiddy crap, and the self apparent literary value of works like jin roh or kenshin ova is completely lost. but its the anime community (well i'm really discussing just the US anime community i suppose) itself which maintains and propels this sort of representation... but i guess that's why art house films don't make money. because people don't care about merit.

    i guess the question is what has merit? i think my problem is that nobody takes anime as seriously as i do, or the few that do are overrun by those within the community who consider anime as nothing more than entertainment. i guess i can't really generalize the entire medium as something of merit, but its certainly there to be found and its depressing that the literary value of anime is largely discredited, especially when i myself and trying my best to be taken seriously when i create amv's, discuss anime, etc.

    case in point: how many people critically analyze the philosophical implications of Ghost in the Shell for example? i for one was at first profoundly disturbed by the notion that humans are nothing more than the collection of their memories. nothing more. so if your memories aren't yours... who the fuck are you? etc.

    why is this a case in point? how many people do you know who think ghost in the shell is a boring movie? heh, i'm sure most people who saw it did, unless they were watching the movie seriously. when i watch serious anime, i undertake a serious endeavor; a strenuous process of attempting to ascertain allusions and what they allude to; understanding character development and plot devices; studying the use of editing and animation techniques to convey a particular effect; realizing elements of japanese culture within the anime; understanding the japanese mindset and how this impacts the anime; etc. i mean its a piece of work to delve into, not just to watch and forget about. and how can anyone find the implication that one's identity, indeed very existence, is nothing more than something as fleeting and impermanent as memory to be unengaging?

    you can read shakespeare. and then you can <i> read </i> shakespeare. sure you'll pick up the plot if you just read it. but you won't pick up anything else if you don't analyze and understand it.

    i guess i'm saying: take anime seriously. 
  • hehe 2004-01-05 11:20:28 yeah so as predicted i feel prety much normal now. hmm. i can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing.  
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