kontrol (baka yaro)
sold out
2003-06-29 10:52:03
i got tired of working 3+ hours per banner. trying to do something more than cut and paste.
ran out of images to use. need to find more.
2003-06-28 08:14:46
that last one took a fucking inordinate amount of time. i'm pissed.
i suck
2003-06-27 13:25:32
important message (from your sponser)
2003-06-27 08:23:07
The following post absolutely does not represent the opinions of the author of this diary.
Nutmeg is self limiting in that too much will completely fuck over your liver (or kidneys? something crucial anyway). Never, never, never, never, never try to eat it raw without ice cold water. Make your time 2003
Again the above absolutely does not reflect the opinions of the author of this diary.
the following post absolutely has no basis in the opinions of the author of this diary.
more homebrewed crackheadedness
2003-06-27 08:05:30
nutmeg (common household spice) when taken in considerable dosages (about 2/3 to one full container of those small cylinder plastic containers from McCormick) or mace (powdered nutmeg seed shell) when insufflated produces psychotropic effects reported to be similar to those of thc. the effects beginning about 8 hours after ingestion and lasting up to 24 hours afterwards, induces a drowsy state similar to a drunken stupor--followed about 15 hours later by mild hallucinatory stimulation (similar to mild hallucinations felt with thc). also reported are shared hallucinatory experiences by groups.
lysergic acid amides (lsa) can be found in the morning glory (as well as several other plants) seeds. similar to its cousin lysergic acid dioxyamides (lsd) yet different in significant ways, lsa produces the same out of body feeling of lsd without the visual stimulations--as well as the out of mind experience. significantly alters judgement making thought.
mescaline, commonly known to be found in peyote, is a powerful hallucinogen reported similar in experience to lsd and can also be found in the less commonly known san pedro. the difference between peyote and san pedro (both cactii) being the legality of the purchase of these plants in the united states (san pedro is legal, peyote is strictly controlled) and their respective degree of acerbic taste.
absolute bunk: non-roasted peanut shells roasted, dried banana peels
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