kontrol (baka yaro)
2003-06-25 08:53:30
i'm gonna laugh my ass off when none of these make it to the end... which is an inevitability
i'm a crackhead
2003-06-25 08:52:20
its interesting to see which banners are voted for. i've had about 8 hours of sleep in the past three days and i need to stop making these or i'm gonna go crazy at work. red bull rules all.
banner binge
2003-06-24 12:31:54
well since i have absolutely no life and nothing better to do, i've been going on a crazy banner making binge. not that any of them are any good, but i can't stop making them. and they all look the same. i suck. why am i even bothering with this journal? i think i've annoyed the guy who oks the banners for voting... in case you're reading this, many apologies
Current server time: Jan 19, 2025 02:06:30