JOURNAL: Eternal Flight (Whataa Whataa)

  • ^-^ 2005-10-24 09:29:18 Next week will be a good week.. Although Ramadan will finish and that's not cool, THERE WILL BE A HOLIDAY!!!!!!!! FOR A WEEK!! Starting either sunday, monday or tuesday. Why will there be a holiday? Well because after Ramadan comes Eid Al-Fitir, of course! And if you don't know what I'm talking about in my screwed langauge, then fear not! Just be happy for me!

    Because the holiday will be so long, I decided that I will definitly up-load a new amv.. Just because I hate having only one! Also because I feel sorry for my poor neglected amvs that are sitting around on my desktop doing nothing..

    On another note, I have this urge to watch MONSTER.. Too bad there aren't any new episodes.. I hope Lunge shows up in the next episodes, though.. I've been waiting for him to appear for Oh, so long!

  • Yay.. 2005-10-22 10:11:02 Black cat's ending theme is just hilariuos.. And Naruto manga introduced a new character.. Sai, I beleive.. My sisters -upon thinking sai a guy- were like 'this guy looks like a bleh.. ' .. Later when it turned out this Sai person may be a girl, they were like 'EEEWWW!! A GIRL!!' talk about double standards.. ^-^  
  • A Ghost Story-part 2-.. 2005-10-10 11:02:43 Moving on from where I stopped before.
    So, we all dismissed the door thing and went on with the discussion.. few minutes later, I look at my computer screen, and the little white arrow of the mouse is moving. It's slowly creeping to the bottom of the screen. I lift my head to see that the Prof. is no-where near his computer.. And I feel weird.. Then I look at the girl next to me, and she glances at her screen but makes nothing of it and merely looks back attentively at the Prof.
    So I dismiss it, thinking that maybe the mouse was slipping or something and that's why it's moving.
    Then it came!! The arrow moves upwards and rolls the screen page up-wards!! Then it cliks on a word and corrects a spelling a mistake, too!!!!!
    So I start feeling kinda weird.. We were in the morning in a crowded lab and the mouse was moving on its own and NOBODY WAS GIVING A DAMN!!!
    I turned to look at the girl next to me in bis-bleif, and at that moment the Prof. jumps at me!

    - Sarah, what is it that you said?
    - Huh? I didn't say anything..
    - I heard you say two words, what is your question?

    So I am like 'NO!! I DIDN"T SAY ANYTHING!!!', And the Prof. is like 'oh.. must've been my imagination..' AND I AM FREAKED OUT!! But not really the real scare was when the Prof. was heading back to his computer and then the page SCROLLS BACK TO WHERE THE PROF. LEFT IT!!!!!

    And it's like I'm the only one who sees something weird happening and no one else even blinks an eye!!

    Then the Prof. switches to screen someone else's work and is explaing something and then all of a sudden, IT HAPPENS AGAIN!!
    So I turn to the girl next to me and ask her if she just saw that ! And she looks at me as if I am an idiot and tells me that when the Prof. switches the screen, the person whom he switched to is in control of all the other computers..

    Yeah, it turns out there really was a scientific explaination to this mystery! I felt so stupid!

  • A Ghost Story... 2005-10-09 13:53:33 This is a true event that happend to me today at the university... Every word that follows is true. I will not be held accountable for any un-wanted feelings of fright that will overcome you if you choose to commerce with the reading..

    DATE: 9th. Oct. 2005
    TIME: 10:20-11:20
    PLACE: Lab. 028
    CLASS: Language Development
    PROF. : Nasib Al-Raiys

    We were supposed to discuss some lame homewok, so we all had our CDs with the homework copied in it, ready to be shown to all on the computer screen. You see, in these kind of classes, the Prof. takes control of all our computers, to make sure we're paying attention and not chatting, and then chooses a girl randomly and screens her work for all of us to snicker at. And this is what happened. The Prof. screened the work and the discussing began.. We were talking and then he got off his computer and stood before us as he explained. He was talking and I was day dreaming and then it began. From the corner of my eye I spot the closed door of the lab opening slightly then shut promptly which made us all jump with a start. The prof. snorts when the girls joke about that being a ghost. We all laughed it off as that being some girl who thought the lab was free but discovered she was wrong and went on her way.. It happened before, after all..

    Sorry, it's getting late and I have to go to bed..
    Stay tune for the next entry.. all the action begins there!

  • YAY!!! RAMADAN!!!!! 2005-10-04 10:52:32 I can't believe it! It's Ramadan, already!!! Everyone is nice!! And the classes' timings are being shortend!!!!!!! I'm so glad!!! Everyone is so spiritual and happy-go-lucky, that it's insane!!! Yeah, I love this month...

    On another note.. A sad note... Some people should stop bickering and start building!

    On another note, a goofy one, TOMOROW IS THE DAY BEFORE THE WEEKEND!!!

    !!!!!!رمضان كريم
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