OtakuForLife (Brian Auxier)
Back in action
2003-09-24 12:12:12
Alrighty then!
I like to sumerize now :)
1)Animix Track 66 as been accepted, yea.
2)Animix Track 97 will being be produced at 10:00 pm tonight.
<After the massive amount of homework I have to-do>
3) Aoi (Day,Night and Loss) was release last night , download today!!
4)AWA (Anime Weekend Alanata)
is in a few days and my 3 of My AMV's are running in the Expo
Contest. <with eupohria .... :(>
Things are alright and hopefully I'll be talking about
my secert plans for Animix track 97, in this journal tomarrow.
That's all folks
"It's been a while" since I made a post :)
2003-09-23 11:26:12
This journal entry will be presented summer style:
1) Animix is currently in the process of accepting my track 66
2) AWA competion is coming up soon and I can't wait to hear a crowds
reactions to my 3 new AMV's
3) The vid that Me, Dave and John are working on will be done tonight
or tomarrow and will be posted under Dave's profile.
4)Alot of homework to-do <Normal Day>
A) Finish Writting 1st draft for english paper
"AMV artists who inspired me"
B)Reading English Chapters 2-3
C)Reading the rest of socialogy chapter 1
D)And studying for my japanese language course
E)Finish Math Lab Probelms
<On second thought my japanese or (Niho-jin) class
isn't till 6:00. I think I'll move to library to-do some well
needed studying ...
Finallly quate of the day "I think Aoi would give good head"
Should I have woke up this morning?!
2003-09-18 12:17:29
Ok, last night Death Snake and S.P.A.F showed up last night
I remarked humorusly we should make a AMV for before
are mutial firend Stacy's birthday. We came-up with concept easy
enough Eve 6 - Here's To The Night - Ai Yosih ( bad spelling alert)
Which worked pretty well untill the lip snyc came along does that guy
have triple mouth movements over something. Also, It didn't help when Dave stated "that he wanted the lip snyc while the train was moving".
But then I feared frame-by-frame editing ,but, then an idea hit me like
a bolt of lightning why not use a transparcy for the lips and use croma.
Well, it turns out it worked pretty well except for two major problems one
the lip was still visable on some of the scenes we chose and two the
nose moved as if Aoi was a rabbbit. I must fix this and the male charcters lip-snyc before it drives me up a wall. Also, I think this is the only time you will see Me, DS, SPAF working together on one person's
AMV and probally the last time. The bickering last night was horriable
the FX person was overdoing things. I was trying to find a middle
ground and Dave wanted this damn train squence. After some fine-tuning
this morning the first 40 apx secs of the AMV are watchable the lip
snyc still looks bad and we're regrouping on it around 8:00 pm.
Untill we break down and decide to watch a somthing probally
Hyper Police or the rest of Witch Hunter Robin.
Oh and in other fun news my Links to the JWU ftp have been offically
cut I'm going to let them expire and then bring back the good
ones on local in about a week. If anyone wants to look at an X-vid preview
of what I fixed up this moring fell free (if you need a good luagh) "mffle".
I'm going to the CCRI libary to get unburied form mountian of homework
"Save me from myself and Save me again..."
"who am I, What am I , and why am I dressed like rei?" - A joke Quate
School is trying to crush me ......
2003-09-16 20:37:49
Watched people play GO today after my history class . That was fun watching
Brandon get his ass handed to him. " I like lossing, It means I found someone on my level" - Brandon :). So, tomarrow my accounting homeworks do and
I need to get ready for clubs day running a BESM demostration. Plus,
get my History reading done by then. So, yeah in about 1/2 an hour
I will be entering the study zone and will be swallowed by it for several
hours. Then I need to find these books for English The Professor and The Mad Man & The Piano shop on the westbank (or something like that) No matter how hard, I never seem to catch up . I need to work tonight so no progress
will be happening on the AMV front. By-the way I have to wait till 22!
before Animix will let me select more tracks. Plue when-the-hell are
they going to find my track 66 or tell me where I can seen it.
Bye :)
2003-09-15 23:07:33
Sorry about the bad grammer of my last post and little tired :( zzzz
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