OtakuForLife (Brian Auxier)
What my days like and other stuff
2003-09-10 14:50:21
Once again a normal day at CCRI (Community College of RI), Becuase
it was wensday it included my dreded Accountiong course with a teacher
I swear should bring out an abcuas. But, he knows his accounting unlike me currently so I have no right to complan. However, this I was complain about the hallways in my school smell like a gaming a whole convention
put up shop there and no air-conditioners where included. It's so bad sometimes in makes me ill and my eyes water. What else? .. Oh my new
REAL (ie mass market AMV) has been decided *Drum Roll [ Mr-Big Hold On Little Girl -> Love Hina.
Before you say "Anthor Love Hina, omg no!!"
This ones a little different in-that it's going to completly ignore the
story line at all and using the footage as a sort of a backdrop for the song and not the other way around. If you don't understand what I just said, you will when the AMV comes out in mid-NOV ( School gets in the way sometimes and I siad REAL amv ) I Also want to put in a shamless plug for the games Go , Lunch Money (c) , Flux (c) and once again say I'm so happy I quit Magic the gathering. Also, known as the gamers smoking habit :) clean (since 7th grade). Off to check the forums Math Labs
not opening again till 4:00. So I got some time to RANT at people, yeah
Brian A
I Guess I'll start here
2003-09-10 07:15:55
Well, I have so far made close to 30 vids to my name and about 6 of
them I concider rewatchable. So, why the Hell do I keep doing this?
When my usal star average is like 3. The point is, for me to enjoy doing it..
in other words, the if the audience likes it that's all fine and dandy ,but, primarly my vids are for me and my friends. In that case if it looks crappy, or isn't fringing epohria (I do like Euporhia) deal with it. Some of them are made for mass market Turned on , Ballad of the Hellsing Men , Super Vampire Girl .
While others are made in a total time of 4 1/2 hours to demonstrate a point to someone. But, I alas post all-of-them so my friends can see them and makes me look like i have gotten lazy. It's not lazyness really more like the huge concept hasn't knocked me over the head yet and screamed kampi (I think that's the Spelling)... Oh yeah AWA Please confirm my uploads before I have to spam the message boards, yet again. Time to-do some college work :(
Working on becoming a business major to own/run an Anime Store.. :)
Brian A
Current server time: Dec 28, 2024 09:53:38