JOURNAL: Alchemyuser

  • Yeah killing animals! 2005-10-24 18:10:57 Yeah so today in lab class I got to disect a starfish, a grasshopper, and a worm. It was sweet even though I've done this a million times before.

    So I named my worm Bob because he was alive at first because he had to observe the blood flowing through him first. Then we stuck him in some alcohol (don't drink it kills you) and the worm convulsed and died! I felt sorry for Bob....*tear*

    Then I got to take my knife and cut him open! It was pretty cool I must say. Yep that's really all I have to say...pretty lame huh? 
  • Yeah... 2005-10-17 14:35:10 Okay, So I was really didn't have anything else to do this weekend so I made TWO new videos for you all. One of Hellsing and another of Full metal Alchemist!

    Both are to two very good songs. The Full Metal one song is to a brand new band and the music is amazing!!!!!!!!!!<-I mean it to!

    And Protect Me from Placebo for Hellsing! Both are great videos you should check them out and tell me what you think. 
  • 2005-10-12 07:44:55 Look at previous journal....

  • BooYA!! 2005-10-09 17:59:41 Hello everyone again,

    I've been on a video freak lately because as of now I have another video ready for you to download. It's a Hellsing video but OMG it's the craziest one I've ever done. I spent 6 hours on it so it's the greatest piece that I have ever done. It totally puts all of my other videos into submission! So all you Hellsing fans out there, this video has every thing you could ever want in it.

    Ya, so the Nebraska/Texas game that was a total upset on Nebraska. I can't believe that they didn't win in the end! That makes me sooooo mad now! Though I really don't care much about football....

    Anyway, I spent all of Saturday at a Marching Band contest. It was so much fun. Of course it always is....anyway all the bands were amazing. Except I feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for this one band who "tried" to play Phantom of the Opera as their show. In the rating of 1-4 (1 being the best) they got a 4. They didn't even have the music memorized, it was so sad. I had to give them a pity clap. But anyway, I'm going to go eat now! Yay FOOD! 
  • It's offical 2005-10-07 13:32:51 I now have a new Yu-Gi-Oh video up! Yay! *jumps for joy* I hope you guys go and check it out!

    Now back to my regular life, this weekend I'm going home to play Dynasty Warriors 5! I can't wait....I love those games. Killing people is fun only when you're doing it in a game, not real life!

    Anyway, new Fullmetal Alchemist episode tomorrow night! Everyone watch! 
Current server time: Jan 27, 2025 12:41:42