JOURNAL: Kyssifur (Peter )

  • czzulsrsskouvb 2012-03-09 17:41:16 ok im drunk :| 
  • You're so active on .org 2012-03-05 19:17:07 Everything depends on the point of view! Even in the case of Denmark. ^^ I should really improve my english... meh. 3 hours and I have to go to the fire department, and I'm still awake... again. At least now I'm happy :D Yesterday I was not :/

    Remember we promised! <3

    "I always want you around! I ain't gonna let nothing get in the way, never let nothing get in the way!" 
  • Insomnia (HUN) 2012-03-04 21:41:01 Why the fuck am I still awake?

    Ok I can't sleep. That awesome idea is much more complicated than I expected. But I guess it's still awesome. Anyway... who cares? lol

    Meg egyébként minek irkálok én ide? Max te olvasod merthát you're so active on org...

    Gyakorlatilag felesleges is az amúgy is gyatra és nevetséges angol "tudásomat" erőltetni...

    Hiszek a csodákban! Mióta találkoztunk részt is veszek egyben... És közel sem ez volt az utolsó! Jól mondtad, valami nagyon történni fog!

    Csak derülne már ki "az" a dolog...

    Szép, hajnali 4 óra van lassan. 
  • The world is just awesome 2012-03-03 19:34:57 I am the happiest man in the world! Now I believe all of the fairy tales... the feelings I was waiting for... omg they exist! <3 'Till death!

    Not to mention that awesome remix I just found yesterday. Gave me new ideas and I think one of them is really badass. The community needs an AMV theme rap song ^^ This needs only some crazy editors and their talent + effort. I suppose we'll be able to write epic lyrics, no matter which language we use for it. Impossible is nothing! 
  • Hungarian VCA 2012 / LMA 2011 Finals 2012-02-27 19:02:11 If you are interested, follow this:

    Use google translator ^^ Quite simple. 
Current server time: Dec 26, 2024 02:54:23