- Soul's Team IC 2012-02-26 20:55:50 I did it in half a day! Woohoo! And actually it's not so bad at all ^^
2012-02-23 06:55:17
I don't really understand my bosses. Sometimes they're like fairies, sometimes like the devil himself...
btw... I should invent the time machine. Any idea? -
omg... vca does it again...
2012-02-22 04:46:20
S.A. Robert for rookie of the year and best first video?
http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/218/530/wtf_is_this_shit_Very_Disturbing_Childrens_Book_RE_We_dont_say_ampquotGermanampquot_in_America-s400x297-59009.jpg?1324142033 -
<3 Happiness <3
2012-02-15 04:36:30
I'm in love with the most beautiful and cutest girl in the whole universe! <3
:D :D -
Hungarian VCA 2011 / LMA 2010 Results
2011-08-26 17:44:52
Go and watch 'em!