panda-chan (Rae )
hey buddies!!!O.o
2005-12-17 13:55:11
well,i'm so bored!
My sis had the most horrible sleepover!! all her frends were like little minions of her!! it was like yes master and come here my piglets...god it was like hell.
and one of them said i had a FLAT forehead!!! i know, it doesnt seem so bad, but when they tell u that it means ur stupid! *feels forehead* its not even FLAT!!! It's normal, and round and a LITTLE bit im AVERAGE!!! not stupid....little bitchy-ass-four-eyes-copy-cat-minion...grr....not like her forehead was so curvy...teeheehee...more like flat...sorries. of my sisters frends had thid really cute brother...*blushes*...hope i wasnt blushing when i gave him his sis's blanket...that wouldve been sooo retarded...bleh.
Well...ew...its Haash...sum gay spanish pop sisters....hate em..
Um...lets...see....not much has happened...bye....
2005-12-04 17:36:27
muffin-chan if u still there, that guys name is hector,and i cant believe u freakin like him!!!!
he used to ride our bus, remember?? and u forgot his name...cant believe u thought HE was cute. i´ve seen him before...he´s NOT cute, but he´s not horrible...wait...actually, he´s perfect for u! I mean, ur both uncute,unhorrible and he´s a 9th grader! i´M jk!!! about the whole uncute thing...i´m sure deep down ur beautiful *snickers* JK!!! i´m kidding buddy...-.-) of course i am.
well, today i leave mexico, gonna be back in about 15 days or so. pretty dull place...well where my dads located at.
....i have always wondered (talking to muffin-chan) who i like...i really need ur help muffin!!!=^^=
2005-12-03 18:46:16
not much has happened. i´m back, not like u missed me. but...ugh!
these days are sooo annoying!
i was happy earlier but, ugh! can´t stand this...i feel sooo lonely...i mean i missed 3 days of school! Monday, tuesday and wednesday! i had the flu and i have broncohitis...(misspelled!)
i feel so confused over my feelings as well! death_rose, any buddy, help!! depressing days are coming...ahhh....-.-...
hellows people!!!!
2005-11-22 16:49:19
my retarded frend is here!!! ferny!!!
'member? fern-tails!!!
shes (also) retarded
now she talking about her fern-tails how they'll be the "wave" of the future...
dont ask me...i didnt contaminate her with retardedness.....she was born that way
and shes proud....
um....muffin-chan, when are u gonna write/type???
im soooo lonely....well not too much...fernys here....(sadly, i mean......-.-)
There's this REALLY hot guy in school his name's micheal.
he has red (beautiful,silky JK) hair, and his eyes are...i forgot.....colorful i guess...(either green or blue) not sure........he's sooooo pretty! he looks like yuki from furuba except that he has red hair.
and he even has his own fan club....weird....and muffin-chan used to be president of it......for about a moment....
i think he could (maybe) pass for a me he's that pretty.....but i wouldnt like that....just thinking about the fact that my frend (muffin-chan) became a lez...ewwwwwww......of course she would NEVER like him...if he were a she...guess u could say he's a err... "pretty boy" and he's alos punk/skater.....*sighs*
and he's probably gonna move to port isabel........okies...i've said too much, by bye!!!!
Nah.....NO REALLY byeeee......
well, that was retarded...
2005-11-20 17:49:02
hope my frend doesnt get mad for posting her...dream.
oh and i just realized i misspelled radcilffe (i put radcliff)
o wells......! hellow muffin-chan!
u didt tell me u were going to austin!
so ur not gonna be at school for 2 days?.....aww...
YAAAAAAY!!!! i mean, im sooooo sorry!
who am i gonna piss off then???
well, nadia will have to do....and so will ferny....
bye bye
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