JOURNAL: whitefire666 (Wayne Potter)

  • there was a time 2007-05-18 13:39:51 There was a time where I would update this journal on a daily basis and have Something to say. But that only last as long as I was in the computer labs at my old high school every morning. Would just get on and start typing something. Didn't have to be particularly important, or funny. Just wanted to write Something. Now I forget that I have this account at times. When I do remember I don't always feel like writing something. Well, here is something. Cause we all need a lil of something in our lives, otherwise everything will get to be boring. oh well till later :) 
  • stomach aches 2007-03-30 03:33:45 Stomach aches are just lovely things really. You can be having a good day and Bam, stomach ache! Makes you feel like shit and not want to do anything other then moan in discomfort and curse the being that devised this minor seeming torture. Yeah.... oh well till later :) 
  • um... yeah 2007-03-18 00:07:38 Well, yeah. Haven't been around a while. Busy with school and whatnot. Other then that not that much going on. No real big thing to rant about coming to mind atm. So.. off to more school work. oh well till later :) 
  • life goes this way and that 2006-11-13 19:00:11 So far nothing to big has been happening lately. Been talking to Orion/Osiris again, playing World Of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XII. That and homework. The homefront hasn't changed much aside from the living room now looking a bit different. And... well.. yeah.. not much goin on nowadays. School and home, school and home. Bout it. I think that I am just going to go and look for some new AMV's for now in hopes that they will entertain me while doing homework. oh well till later :) 
  • for no reason 2006-08-07 07:24:04 I find that it is hard to go and speak with a person when you have no reason to go to their place of living and the last time you spoke with or at them they didn't want to speak to you. Even though I wish to go and speak to someone that I know, I haven't found a suitable reason to go over yet. I just wish to speak with them to see where somethings stand, to apologize for being a dick, and just to hopefully settle things out for the better whatever the better may be. I have no clue if this person would even listen to me right now. I hope they will so that we can settle things out. Because will I may have been a dick for some period of time, I wasn't trying to be. Hopefully.... hopefully I can speak to them again. If they do see this... I'm sorry. I have no want in me to be a dick towards you, but I guess I was. For that, I am sorry. oh well till later :) 
Current server time: Jan 08, 2025 11:04:42