JOURNAL: whitefire666 (Wayne Potter)

  • brain got up and left 2004-05-21 12:44:01 yup yup, my brain got up and left me again... nothing really new, just that it left me feeling really tired during my first class and i nearly fell asleep again... this is weird because i actually went to bed early last night and everything.... odd..... oh well, that is the way that life goes.. gar, gaming is tonight.. that's going to be fun and all that stuff... hopefully Orion/Osiris has something good for us to do this week in his so aptly named campaign of RUN!, heh so far so fun.. and i hope that it will stay that way... and now i need to go to the real world and try to make my plane fly like an eagle :D... or a rock, it likes to nosedive a lot... well i am out of here.. oh well till later :) 
  • can't think of anything 2004-05-20 15:58:39 well i really can't think of all that much to type about, not all that much has happened as of lately and that doesn't leave all that much to talk about.. and i know that all of you don't want to hear about my petty problems that i have during school and at home so i will leave you out of them for the time being............... as per normal, school is boring, waiting for friday because that is more interesting then the rest of the week normally.. other then saturday too, thats usually fun when everyone is in a good mood... and i have to leave again to go to my next class.... hehe i have a free period next, right before i go home too :D.. oh well till later :) 
  • a waste of $30 2004-05-19 12:37:51 heh, yup i picked up my cap and gown today, not going to do all that much with it though... probly only going to wear the bloody thing once and then put it in my closet for the next 30 years or so.... but i did get another tassle so that is all fun and cool like.... hmmm i still need to get a program written up so that i can have that made by time i need to have my history final it will be ready to present.. it won't be all that much, just a text based program with a simple menu show the choices of items that can be looked at.... kinda weird writting a C++ program for Honors NorthWest Hist/Gov.. but he said to pick a subject from NorthWest History and make a product that shows that we learned something from it... so i am going to do a C++ program about the Growth and Developement of MicroShaft.... and now i have to head out to the real world again.... oh well till later :) 
  • IT LIVES AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! 2004-05-18 13:36:26 well i had Oh Shit! come over last night and fix my computer so that i could use it again... he got everything working and all but the only thing that seems to be missing that is really irking me right now is the fact that i don't have all the favorites that i had before the crash.... -_-...... irritating and all but that only means that i will have to go and hunt down all the sites that i had in the listing that i made and all that fun stuff..... but now that i have my comp back up i won't go through AMV withdrawl.... i think that the foaming at the mouth told me that something was wrong in the first place ^_^' ....... so i am going to go home tonight and go on another AMV rampage.. (MUST GET MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and until then i have to go back to the real world and do work there... oh well till later :) 
  • RAWR!!!!!!!! 2004-05-17 16:39:50 heh, earlobes are fun too chew on... make people stop talking in mid sentence... really funny to watch... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell this weekend was interesting to say the least.. got to hang out with my normal crew and an extra person that doesn't normally hang out with us.. Yeah, Pinky was there.. we ended up wathing Starship Troopers and some anime after watching me drive into things in GTA Vice City for a while... all in all it was a rather interesting night..... *ponders about that night* :D yeah that was a good night yup yup it was... *GRIN*............... now, hopefully tonight i am going to be able to have my computer fixed tonight so that i can use it again... not being able to use the computer is not a good thing forf me.... i think that i am going through withdrawls grrrr, oh well i will live until i can get the dang thing fixed.... and that should be tonight i hope.. oh well till later :)  
Current server time: Jan 10, 2025 17:56:06