whitefire666 (Wayne Potter)
2004-04-21 22:40:47
it is going to happen tomorrow and i am out of school so i don't really have to worry about any work for the rest of the week XD..... other then that all i really have to do is get packed for tomorrow and make sure that i have a back mount for my blarg mallet of doom and that i am going to be to attach the bucket of animal crackers that i plan on handing out during the con.... thats going to be a load of fun... i like to confuse random people buy handing out food randomly, oh and telling some of the volunteer security gaurds to eat on a continual basis is real fun too... weeeeeeell it seems that i have to go and get ready for the con so that i don't spend an hour rushing around in the morning getting ready and pissing off the driver (thats a bad thing)..... oh well till later :)
0_0 GAH 0_0
2004-04-21 12:38:07
WHY MUST I SUFFER!!!!!!! i have to suffer through two and a half hours worth of my AP english teacher today.... so not only do i get to go throught the regular class i also get to go and do two in class essays because i am going to be missing the day that we are doing the finals in that class -_-' .... *sigh* english class is evil, they make reading seem like a bad thing with all these crappy books.... soooooooooooooooooooo dry... makes me want to go to sleep when i read them...... hmm no wonder i always save the reading till just before bed... AND WHY DO GOGGLES HAVE TO COST $160!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrr found a nice pair of anime like goggles that i wanted to use for the con but the $25 gift certificate was not enough to cover the $160 price tag that they had.... *grumbles* money mongers -_-...... oh well till later :)
2004-04-20 14:58:15
i only have to wait another day before i am going to be able to leave and go to the con for the weekend ^_^ buuuuuuut i think that i have to do two in class essays tomorrow because i am going to be gone on friday -_-... this really sucks because i hate having to write all the time and on top of it all those two essays are going to be my final for my english class and i get to do them right after i eat lunch... in other words i am going to have about 3 hours of english tomorrow (90 min class each cause of WASL) -_-.... *sigh* well at least i am going to be at the con with several freinds handing out animal crakers for the weekend ^_^... oh weill till later :)
only two more days of suffering
2004-04-19 15:08:05
yup, that means that i only have to go through two more days of school before i am going to go to the convention and not be here for 4 days ^_^ can't wait to go and mingle with all the other crazy people at the con.. i know for a fact that i am going with my friend, my dad, and my alter me :D.. and that i am going to meet up with a couple of friends when i get there. so it is going to be a hoot while we are there..... except for the fact that i have no money to spend in the dealers room... oh well till later :)
0_0 ITS COMING 0_0
2004-04-16 12:38:17
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!! next weekend is Sakura-con *does a little dance* heh sorry bout that but i have been waiting for this all year ^_^ even if i won't have any money to spend on any anime this year -_-' *sigh* well that is what happens when people move out of the house and the collective income of three people with jobs bringing in money goes down.... *sigh* well at least i get to go to the con this year and all that fun stuff... *does another dance* well i have to head back to the real world and get ready for a history test -_-'....... oh well till later :)
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