whitefire666 (Wayne Potter)
do i really care who is prom queen and king
2004-04-15 12:38:21
NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't give a flying angry frog turd.. heck, i even chose my self seeing as we had to circle 15 girls and guys each... soo i circleed my self just because i could and other random people that i recognise name wise just for the hell of it... most likely going to prom and all but i don't care who is going to be the king and queen.. cause i know for sure that i am not going to be it :D........... on another note, my dad told me something that kinda made me feel and him look stupid.... seeing as our net is still down he said that it may be because he didn't pay the bill, so he payed it last night and i am going to go home and do a couple things to see if i can get the thing to work. if it still doesn't work then i am just going to call my friend again to have him go and kick it again... well i have to head off now, got to go and play in my math class next :D love pre-calc... oh well till later :)
my dads computer is possesed
2004-04-14 12:45:01
i swear that it is!!!!! i bet that Orion/Osiris can vouch for me on the fact that it is... that and God claims that it is too... it seems that my dad and i can see each other's computers but we can't see the internet..... grrrrrr, other then the fact that i can't get out onto the net except when at school now everything is pretty peachey at the moment -_-' *looks at clock* 0_0 I DON'T WANNA GO TO ENGLISH CLASS!!!!!! DON'T MAKE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ................ i really don't want to have to get up in front of the class and give a bleeten presentation on the Grapes of Wrath... stupid book.... way to dry to be any good... stupid english books.... no fun to read and they are over analized waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay yoo often.... grrrrrr oh well till later :)
still dead for the time being -_-'
2004-04-13 14:51:23
yup, the internet connection at my house is as good as dead at the moment.. well my friend is coming over again later tonight after he gets off work so that he can work on it again because it seems that the bloody thing wants to be all stuborn and all that BS..... soooooo my friend (lets call him God (his name within the drama club last year)) is going to come over here tonight and poke at the network again and make it work..... Just Like God! (even though i ain't religious), but the sooner that he gets that working the better. and i am having another friend the Infernal_Cheese coming over for a while so that we can muck around with the hard ware on my computer, and mabey even get the DVD drive that i have installed into my comp, heh that would be nice.... oop, the real world beckons.. oh well till later :)
it died again -_-'
2004-04-12 14:53:41
yup, my internet at my house went down again. so i have to contact one of my friends to see if he could be all nice and fix up my network again. i think that it is the samething as last time...... my dad's comp got booted off the workgroup again... *sigh* and i can't remember how to put him back on right now, networking ain't my thing. soooo i am going to get a bit of help and make it all work so that i can go online while i am at home!!! grr i will be more stuborn than an inamite object >_<... meh, have to go back to the real world again.... oh well till later :)
2004-04-02 13:36:04
its friday.... i have to go to idaho to pick up my sister..... yuck... but on the bright side there will be gaming later tonight (there better be Orion/Osiris *angry face*) if not i will at least be able to get out of the house and hang at my friends house for the night.... but if all goes well i will be able to complete a good gaming sesion and Hopefully i will be able to level my character tonight too... :D that would be nice, my character is already pretty nasty as it is.. heh, another level in the Custom class that my friend and i created for his campaign... and he knows what i am talking about and how nasty that class is ending up to be... :D well it seems that i need to head off and finish my school work and today i don't feel all that bad about having to do any work... nice.... oh well till later :)
Current server time: Jan 11, 2025 07:52:34