whitefire666 (Wayne Potter)
life flows into the great ocean of forgotten thought
2005-11-16 11:36:50
Ok. So I haven't been around for a while. Been busy with schooling and with work. I don't know that it constitutes me forgetting about this place. But I did.
Lately life has been just kinda going as it feels like. Rushing towards finals again at school. Trying to keep up with my calc class. Trying to keep in touch with several of my friends also. Bout the only thing that I learned at Virus O' Doom's place is that sleeping in his basment with no blanket around you is really cold. Shouldn't do that. Also, no matter what you get done, there will always be something else out there waiting for you. All that life consists of right now is me flowing from one activity to the next. Get up, go to school, go to work, go home, do homework, go to bed. Repeat process. It just seems that all life is sometimes is a cycle that Might be interupted once in a while with something differently. Do we really have to follow these ruts that we have put ourselves in or are too deep in them that we think we can't get out of them. I don't know. It just seems to me that almost everyone just falls into a pattern and then they don't even try to get out of it if they don't like the pattern. Well that is how I see it at least. oh well till later :)
this is what happens when i get bored at work
2005-10-06 14:01:40
Just so you all know. I got to work and became REALLY bored really fast. So I ended up typing about random things that came to mind. Have fun with total random boringness that was interupted every 3-5 minutes for a phone call.
Yee haw this is really boring. I really mean it man. Just to keep my self entertain in between calls I have to bring up good old Notepad just to have something to do. At least I didn't do what I was thinking about doing at school... Good grief would that have landed me in the middle something that I didn't want to have to deal with at all. Just because the gals rear was right in range when I was going up the stairs didn't mean that I should have gotten the random urge to bite it. Man I would have gotten the best reaction out of her, my friend, and everyone else in the area. Might not be the first time taht someone has done that at a college, but dang man. That still would have been entertaining until the bloody law suit that would more then like follow slapped me in the face. Other then wanting to bite some gal that I don't even know for no particular reason, I found out that the world is still very much indeed small. One of the gals in my Philosophy class had ended up going to high school with me, sure she was two years ahead of me at the time. That and I did end up having her brother in several of my classes. Then of all things we got into an argument about the fact that (in my opinion) she was not fat. She claims that she is and in my eyes and probly several other men's eyes also, she isn't. She might have more meat on her then other girls out there, but hey, that just means that there is more to hold onto man! So aside from trying not to bite someone and dreading the small little world that we all live in, not all that much is going on. I mean sure I AM sitting here randomly ranting about nothing in particular for the time being. But I think that the real reason that I am doing that is because I really haven't had the chance to sit down recently and type for a long time with nothing in mind other then the fact that my fingers are moving of their own volition almost. That and I am reveling in the fact that I don't have to look at the keyboard to see where the keys are anymore!! Never thought that I would get to this point. Kinda nice really. I don't thing that people really note that typing like this isn't as easy as it seems to others. There is a lot involved for this very simple task. The first one is memorizing where Everything on the keyboard is in relation to the two nubbed keys. Once you know where things are in relation to them you are set. You know what.... I lost my train of thought during the middle of the last call.... Hate when that happens. Oh well.... must ... not ... complete ... sentence .... Phew made it. This isn't a journal at ALl though those are rather entertaining to write and read. Agh... I think that I actually need to trim my nails on my forefingers now... getting a little long for continuous typing. Meh, get to that later then. Ugh, I really don't want to have to go and do my calc tonight. Got lots of that And a test on friday. That test is going to be hell, I just know it. But I will pass the test, that is my goal. To pass the tests and retain the knowledge so that I may do well in the classes and use it later for what ever random purpose that I may find to use it for. But for the time being I will use these fingers of mine to sit here and just type away like a randomly bored guy that activates Sears cards. That and look at the few good looking girls that are in the building. Good god that reminds me of the pictures that I got the other night! Damn was that girl bloody well Beautiful. Can't say too much here considering that this Is a public computer owned by the company that I work for. But, just, daaaaang man. She was just Beautiful. Nice body. Lots of freckles. But man did she have one of the most alluring faces that I have ever seen. Just absolutely Beautiful eyes. They were a kind of dark green. Just bloody Beautiful to look at. Her hair was put up in such a way that was just absolutely adorable, mature, and just drop dead sexy at the same time. Mind that this is all in my own personal opion. Some others may not agree that she is as Beautiful as I say that she is. But the fact that her hair was done up in two buns. One on either side of her head, and at either temple she had a long curled bang sitting next to her eyes. Just the way that everything was sitting and the look that she had on her face made her absolutely Beautiful. She was looking at the camera as if she knew exactly what she was doing, how she wanted it done, and as if she was in charge. I don't think that there are really that many women out there that have captivating eyes like that. Just one look and all you want to look at is their face. Nothing else really matters at that point. Just that absolutely Beautiful face. To top it off, she didn't really have a masculine face like some of those women do. She still had a really feminine face. Soft with lots of curves on it. Just captvating. Nothing that I wouldn't mind just being able to stare at for long periods of time. You really don't find a lot of women that are like that, able to captivate with one look, just still look feminine instead of looking masculine. Its an amazing feat that only so many people can pull off. Something that I know that I can't pull off. I have been told that I am rather Mudane looking. That just sounds sooo boring. I don't like not being noticable sometimes, then at other times I am glad that the general populace just doesn't seem to notice me. Its kinda nice. Makes staying out of peoples minds a lot easier. Then again, makes staying in the minds of the people that I want to remember a bit harder. But then again, I may not be so unremarkable. Even if I do change A lot between the last time that someone saw me and now, they always seem to remember who I am.. sometimes it is just because of Who I was with and sometimes it is just because I stuck out in their minds again when they saw me... rather disturbing if you ask me. I have met so many different people that have remembered me where I went and forgot them all except for a very small spark of recognition. But the amount of people who know me and where they always tend to pop does kinda of scare me at times. It really does. I mean you have all of these people that you Might have gone to school with for either a few years during High School and before or people that you might have known where in One of your classes one quarter but nothing more then that. But still, in the end there are random people (to you) that know who you are and still rememeber your name... even when you know that you didn't give your name to them. I mean that is just Bloody Creepy man. I didn't give you my name... I know that for a fact, yet her just not a second ago you said my name and I don't even know who you are other then another random person that I am sure that I have seen Somewhere. WTF!? That just kinda throws me off just a little from my center and all. Just a little. One of these days I am going to find out how these people find out who I am and why they must go out of their way to confuse me in the process of knowing who I am with out me knowing that they know who I am.... Very disturbing cycle if you ask me. Very disturbing. Well that is something kinda interesting. Why must some people laugh with there hands over their mouths. Are they afraid that a bug is just going to zip right in and go down their throught? Or is that their method of Trying to be modest where modesty isn't needed in the least. Or is it the people who think that they can't quiet their laugh normally. Its not that hard to quiet a laugh really. Just don't make the noise associated with a laugh. Just smile, shake your body like you were laughing and shake your head a little bit. It would be all good then. I mean you wouldn't have to sit there and look kinda stupid holding your hand over your mouth while you laugh. But then again on some people it does look kinda cute when they do it. I mean they can just add an entire different level of mischief with a small laugh, a hand partially covering the mouth, and mischivous look. Then again a look like that might be something to send almost any more (and some womens) blood boilling for one reason or another. That look may inspire lust for some and for others it just may have the poor problem of pissing a body off. I would hate to have that happen. A simple non-evil glare/look shouldn't piss someone off. Really. That and why won't this bloody SSA program leave me the hell alone. Now that I haven't written for about a half-hour or so, I think that I will come back and then go away for another 10-20 minutes to sit around and just really do nothing. I am actually kinda getting pissed off again. I am sitting here on the Sears program but I have been here for 3 1/2 hours and I have yet to get a bloody sale.. man this really does suck you know that? I don't even know what the hell the point of this little shpeel has been. Mabey it has just been something to keep my mind off of everything for the time being. I mean for the first hour it did help pass the time really quickly. Then I started to get frustrated and then I just stopped caring really. I mean, the worse that I is going to happen is that I am going to have a kiniption fit tonight when I go to do my calc homework. Ugh, still got to do that tonight, then I have to catch up on my philosophy reading. Great great loads of fun. Going to have to better manage my time tonight. I really can't afford to only Just start doing my homework at 10pm tonight. Just doesn't give me enought time to get the stuff that I need done done. Well life will happen and I will live to the next day. And if I don't live to the next day... well I will be able to find one of the answers that has plagued philosophers and the rest of society for genereations, what the bloody heck happens when ya die. Should be an interesting thing to find out... the only real problem with that is the fact that I wouldn't be able to come back from the dead to go "Yo Dudes!!! I was dead and it was totally bloody Weird man!!!".... because you know what... I'D BE DEAD!!! So, yeah. Can't be doing that, wouldn't help solve any of the questions about death answered... would just be another body to the graveyard. Soooooo, yeah. No adding my body for a while. I think that I plan on using it for juuuuust a little bit longer at least in this life time. Don't know what I will be doing with it but hey, who really knows what will be happening till it actually happens eh? No use planning for something that you have no idea is going to happen or not. Man this is one hell of a running and pointless diolog. Oh and as a side note, it only took 3 hours and 43 minutes to get my only sale of the day.... oh well till later :)
small girls and subs
2005-09-17 01:34:30
Well I got paid today. Always a good thing unless you have to spend $250 of your $523 check just for school books. *sigh* Tis the way of the college life. But that was but one of the quests for the night though. Ended up meeting up with Lord today. Took him back into town after I got my books and we went to eat at a sub place a little ways from my place of residence. But in this place of subs we met up with Chibi-kitsune and mauled and bugged her at work. Twas great fun. The great Bobo ended up picking her up so that the camera could she that she wasn't on the floor. Then we ate. Twas still good. For the rest of the night we ended up just chilln' at my place and watching Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy. At least Bobo and I did. Lord ended up going off to a Magic tourney. Other then that not too much happened today other then the normal disownment by my mother. Happens once every few days. ;p Doesn't help that I have really Bad 'Foot In Mouth' syndrom at times and I do nothing to work on it because I find it minorly amusing. For the time being though I will go and talk to Chibi-kitsune for now. oh well till later :)
perpetual scowl?
2005-08-29 04:23:52
How is it that I feel like I have a scowl stuck on my face now because I scrunched it up into a really nasty scowl last night while listening to Linkin Park. Everytime I relax my face it goes into that foreign feeling postition.... kinda feels nice but I know that it looks like crap and ain't goin to impress nobody. Don't even see why it needs to continually sneek up on me like this.
Hmmm tues should be fun. Going to go to LaserQuest and play some lazer tag with my crew for a while. And I get to have Blue D20's stay over at my place the night before so that she will be able to make it to the event on time. Heh, should be interesting to see how stuff turns out here soon. Going to be a fun day to say the least.
On another note. I think that I am starting to irritate my gaming group again. Note that I'm not trying not to do it. Sometimes the way that they think that they Have to do things can get rather annoying. And I am in this group for the Role-playing along with some roll-playing. But, Honestly. I think that this is the first time in some time that any of the characters have had anything rather bad happen to them. Hehe, my character has lost half of her soul and currently has another Soul sharing her body for the time being.... man. With that extra soul, Uriko's soulstone, and her half a current soul I think that she should start charging some kind of rent to use that body. I mean, it HAS to be getting crowded in there.... wouldn't you think so?
And for the time being I think that I am going to go and get ready for bed. Got work in the morning and it is already 1:30. Need to be up by ten taday. Need the sleep so that I won't try and kill anything at work. So I think that I will take my leave for the time being and come back at a later date and update my life. Hopefully it won't take a month this time to get back to here.
oh well till later :)
don't be sad.... HA!!!
2005-07-29 18:21:05
She tells me not to be sad. But in the end I will be anyway. Not sure for how long, but I will be even if I don't neccessarily show it to the outside world. Doesn't help much that recently she started dating one of my best friends. Thats another slap to the face kinda... but then again I was kinda expecting it anyway. I knew she had feelings for him when the three of us were together. I just didn't know how fast she was going to be getting together with him. Hell, don't know if it even took a week before they were together. Not like it matters anymore though. I'm not with her and I can't do anything about what she does in her own time. Oh it hurts to know that they are together again.... but..... what can I do about it. The only thing that I really want is for her to be happy.... even if it is without me. *sigh* Other then trying to cope with being single again, work has been boring and really frustrating lately. But that happens when you work for a telemarketing firm. Well I am going to be heading out for the night here within the hour to meet up with a small portion of the friday gaming group that Orion/Osiris seems to be pissed at. Most likely not much is going to be happening anyway. But it will be a bit of a distraction for a portion of the night. Well I am going to be heading out for the time being then. No real clue when I am going to update in this again. Meh, I will update when I update. oh well till later :)
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:38:02