whitefire666 (Wayne Potter)
life likes to F***ing slap you hard
2005-07-20 01:15:16
I am once again a single man. I can tell you that this not the thing that I wanted at all. Hell all that I wanted was to be able to stay with my now ex. Obviously that ain't going to be happening now a days. So far I have taken this like a good solid kick to the balls. Not well at all. I am sure that Eventually I will be able to get over this and move on.... but that is going to be very hard. I fell for the girl way to much for this to be easy on me... let alone her. Fuck. We were going out for 7 bloody months. That tends to make some kind of a bloody emotional connection between a couple of people. When that connection breaks it fucking hurts. I really don't know what to do. I think the only thought that is going through my head right now is "I hope this doesn't fuck up my work perfomance"..... rather bloody stupid. AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!! Bloody Hell!!!!!!!!! I hate this. And now for the time being I am going to go and try to cope with out the other Rather Important part of my life for the time being. oh well till later :)
imperial slave
2005-06-29 22:23:26
I think that I can safely say that I have fallen to the Almighty American Slave Market. Yup, I got a job.... but that isn't what causes it to be the slave market. I think that the fact that the job I have right now is for a telemarketing firm is what makes it a slave market. I now work for West Buiseness. Just finished the training earlier today, have to get confirmation tomorrow so that I can go and work on the Call Floor.... or is that the Slave Pit.... With Phones!!!!!!!
Aside from being part of the slave market I have almost completely lost whatever life I previously had. The Slave Market gave me the hours of 12:30-9:00. NO LIFE!!!!!!!! Ugh. *mumble groan complain* Meh, at least I will be able to get monies so that I will be able to continue living for the time being and all that good jazz.
oh well till later :)
Nuclear radiation?
2005-04-22 19:45:59
Well I guess that I haven't died quite yet. Though I did seem to try this last couple of weeks. Tried to come down with bronchitis again. Managed to not get too bad a case of it though. Other then that I haven't been up to to much other then trying to keep up with class. Ugh, class. My Engr 160 class is a pain right now. Trying to learn as much as I can about Digital Circuts twice a week for two ours at a time makes my head hurt with all of the overcrammed information. That and trying to grasp the abstract math concepts in that class tend to be a pain in the ass. But I will survive to live another day. Of that I am sure..... but for the time being I have a bunch of running around that I need to get to. Yay, I get to run around like a chicken with my head cut off.... -__-...... oh well till later :)
need to update more often
2005-03-07 11:25:16
Well a lot of stuff has been happening within the last month. School is still taking a lot of my time and all that good stuff. Still hanging with friends. I did get to see Kyo this last Sat. That was fun seeing as we hadn't really talking in a long time. And I can't talk here for to long anyway. I have work that needs to get done. *sigh* I detest english classes. oh well till later :)
life is as life does
2005-02-01 17:19:04
Dunno, been a while since I've been around here again. Just guess that I have been rather busy as of late. Well that coupled with the fact that my computer is still acting up at home makes it a little harder to do any journals on a regular basis anymore. Need to get a new CPU fan/hotsync combe here Really soon. Don't want my chip to fry while I am using it.... that would just Royally suck ass rocks. Aisde from the normal arguments with the comp life hasn't been to bad as of late. Still with Firecat and still doing relatively well in classes at the moment. Not too much has been happening as of late though. Doesn't mean that things won't get interesting though. For the time being though I am going to just go through life and hope to survive till the next day.... oh well till later :)
Current server time: Jan 09, 2025 01:50:38