JOURNAL: whitefire666 (Wayne Potter)

  • i got another one 2004-08-03 01:43:38 Heh, I find it amusing that most of the people that I know on this site are people that I have convinced to go and at least take a look at it. They do, then they start at least keeping a journal here. A couple of my friends actually download some AMV's once they have the time.... and the HD space. But my most recent Recruit has to be Phenix-San. A friend of mine that I ended up meeting at Gaia by complete accident. At first he was another random person that added himself to my MSN account and everything sorta went off from there. Other then being one to recruit others to this Heaven of AMV's I am also one to download as many AMV's as possible. So far I have downloaded about 138 last time that I checked. Need more HD space again..... oh well till later :) 
  • dust bunnies 2004-07-30 02:04:59 This is an MSN conversation that I had with a friend earlier today.

    Eiko says:
    i will raise a Dust Bunny Army!
    Jett Micheyl says:
    Eiko says:
    but first i have to get the bedroom and bathroom Dust Bunnies to coexist
    Eiko says:
    difficult problem
    Jett Micheyl says:
    transferring a problem?
    Eiko says:
    dust bunny racial problem
    Jett Micheyl says:
    different cultures
    Eiko says:
    bad histroy
    Jett Micheyl says:
    yeah, i get it
    Eiko says:
    they had a three week war last year and have been bitter ever since
    Jett Micheyl says:
    oh, well, I could understand...but I don't know about holding grudges..
    Eiko says:
    it was a Big conflict
    Eiko says:
    they had large losses and pretty much had to regrow their population from nothing because of it
    Jett Micheyl says:
    i see. hee hee

    And this is what happens after I talk to my dad about cleaning the house.
    oh well till later :) 
  • hit the ground running 2004-07-22 22:33:59 Starting dang near the moment that I woke up yesterday I was up and continuosly moving or doing something out of my house. I think that I spent a grand total of mabey 45 minutes awake in the house yesterday total. I woke up and was off to the Eastern Washington University to get myself registered and everything for the fall quarter, so that I could attend class. Got that done ^_^. But my dad and I were in Cheneye for about 3 1/2 hours before we came back to the house so that he could settle down for the evening. It didn't help that we also had the car break down on us yesterday either. But after I got back from the EWU campus I was packing my D&D stuff so that I could head out for the evening to hang with a few of my friends. I ended up taking a bus out to the Bus Plaza and then walking to my friends house with another couple of friends for the gaming session. We didn't end up leaving our friends house till about 4:30 in the morning (Yay it was near Dawn ^_^') to drop off Orion/Osiris. After that Bobo, Groth, and Foxy Lady ended up heading back to Groth's house for the morning. We then stayed up till about a little after 7 A.M. before we all ended up passing out. After we all ended up waking up we hung around Groth's house up until about 5 P.M. After that we ened up having Groth drop us off either at the Valley Bus Plaza (Bobo) or at my house (Me). I have dicided that for the rest of the evening I am going to take a little time to cool down and relax for a little bit. WITH OUT PANTS ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell Yeah! And that has been my life for the last couple of days. ^_^ oh well till later :) 
  • my hair 2004-07-14 18:44:42 Well I went in this morning to one of the Hair Salon's here in good ol' Spokane for a "Little" trim on my hair. I ended up "Trimming" about a Foot of my hair this morning. About 10 inches went to Lock For Love hair donation. So now my hair only goes down to the bottom of my neck instead of going down to the middle of my back. !_! But all is good because I still have enough that I can put it up in a bit of a ponytail and all, hell I even have a little bit in the way of bangs now. At least the bangs are only one side of the face though. Other then that not all that much has gone on really. So now I think that I will go and work on another character's background for another D&D campaign in which I am a humaniod ferret (Iron Claw). *mumbles to self* "Can't believe that I created a character's personality with only one bloody line 'It wasn't My fault!!!'." oh well till later :) 
  • yay more anime 2004-07-12 18:40:19 A friend of mine stopped by today so that he could drop off the Last Exile for me to finish up and I ended up loaning him my copy of Trigun. So far I have been able to watch only one disc of the Last Exile (its all on CDR's while my Trigun is on DVD) because my computer has been deciding that it doesn't want to work all that well with the discs that I am putting into it at the moment. Grrr. Well that means that I get to try and struggle with the bloody discs and get them to play with out giving me too much of a hassle right now. Normally this wouldn't be all that big a prob but it seems that my computer just doesn't want to co-operate with me and my desperate efforts for more anime right now. S now I am going to go back to making odd faces at my computer screen until the bloody thing works properly again. oh well till later :) 
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