JOURNAL: whitefire666 (Wayne Potter)

  • oops missed a day 2004-05-30 04:39:39 heh, i missed a day with my journals cause i got kicked out of the lab the other day, soooo i will write one journal during the weekend just for the hell of it.. may not be all that long but i am going to write something.........


    heh, sorry just had to be a smart ass and do that on the basis of just because i could, *sticks tounge out* :P... and now i need to go off and do something like clear up some hard drive space so that i can download my amv's :D... oh well till later :) 
  • Squirle master had his child 2004-05-27 15:17:32 crap... that means that i am the "uncle" now.... heh, in a few years that means that i get to fill the kid full of sugar and then give him back to his parents and say "Here, I'm done with him now."... and then i run for my life :D... because they just had a child i went out with my mother last night and got the little guy a couple of items for his first unoficial "B-Day"... i got him a little bath robe with a Ducky Hood, and a mini foam football for him to chew on... not to big for him to grab but still big enough for him not to choke on and all that goodness... so i finally get to meet the little guy tomorrow though.. well i am assuming that i get to see him tomorrow during gaming... and i know that his parents will get a kick out of their childs gifts and all.. but now i have to go and finish up all my work and that evilness... oh well till later :) 
  • making progress 2004-05-26 15:58:24 well i finally got the basics of the program done that i need for my history final.. now all that i really need to get done is the actually research part of the project, which by its self should be too hard seeing as i am researching microshaft and all... but now that i have the program it self done the hard part is over.... now if both of the programs that i am using at the moment will be cooperative i won't have to worry.... the other fun part of this project is getting the program from my house to the school and installing it in little time.... oh and by the way Orion/Osiris, Call Me As Soon As You Can... its rather important, that is unless you already got the news.... and now i need to go and glare at my C++ book and "teacher"... oh well till later :) 
  • and the rush goes on 2004-05-25 16:06:28 yup, still trying to figure out how to finish all the work that i have currently pilled on me at the moment.. lets see, i have one history final that i am curently writing a C++ program for (cunfusing huh?), next i have an AP english project that i have get started on (due next week), then i think that i have a Pre-calc test next week, and then i think that i also have a C++ test that i have to get ready for also, and then i have too fly my plane in my engineering and design class later this week.... so in other words i have a rather busy next week or set up for me.. oh then i have graduation stuff that i have be ready for and all... yee haw.. but i shall perserveer (sp?) and survive this only to get ready to go into the real world and get a job -_-'.. just to get ready for college next year...... another yee and haw.... oh well till later :)  
  • what do you go to strip clubs for? 2004-05-24 16:47:14 the interesting things that you here when zoning out in class.. one of my classmates was ranting about strip clubs and pron stores and the like during class.. one of his questions was what else do you go to a strip club for other then to watch strippers and shove money in their panties? well another one of my class mates popped up with the line of going there to "socialize"........... after that the entire class bust up laughing at the idea, which is rather funny as it is... and that happened to be the only real thing that was entertaining today... oh and i was able to go and see Van Helsing last night... i absolutely LOVE the music off of that movie!! it was a completely original soundtrack and it was all instrumental music too... *drool* i love instrumental music sooo much.. and now i need to go and finish writing up a program for history and finding a compiler for it too.... oh well till later :) 
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