TheGline (The Gline)
Nothing new yet...
2001-10-06 20:51:34
I've had a lot of RL things to deal with so I haven't done much work. The SH video is STILL on the slate. Don't worry about that.
Upcoming possibilities include something massive with Giant Robo, and a Cardcaptor vid with Aphex Twin (as soon as I can get good source material for it). I also want to do something for Mononoke, but a good song eludes me.
In progress...
2001-09-18 19:58:46
Working on a Sorceror Hunters video as a favor for a friend, using FSOL's "We Have Explosive." So far so good. Also tightened the Utena video a bit. Will reupload that soon.
All videos re-uploaded
2001-09-09 22:40:01
I re-encoded and re-uploaded all the videos in my collection, using the new WMA 8 format. I am actually pretty impressed with how tightly they compressed, and the quality is not appreciably worse than what I was getting with MPEG-4. And in half the space.
See, I was maxing out my bandwidth on my site... it's a long story.
On top of that, I finally finished the Utena video. A rough draft of it, anyway. I may tighten it through the week, but it's watchably finished.
Current server time: Jan 07, 2025 23:17:44