JOURNAL: TheGline (The Gline)

  • "Explosive" is live... 2001-10-11 21:33:20 I just uploaded the finished version of the "We Have Explosive" video. All done! I'm a little underwhelmed with some parts of it, but it was just intended to be fun. 
  • Eric B and Rakim / other ideas 2001-10-10 22:23:52 Five minutes after my last journal entry, I got something else to post. Typical, isn't it? Anyway -- I just stumbled across another one of those songs that I HAVE to put a video to, but I haven't yet got any ideas.

    Eric B. and Rakim's "Let the Rhythm Hit 'Em" -- my God, is this one of the coolest tracks ever recorded or WHAT? The underlying rhythm has been sampled by everyone and his brother (Godflesh used it on their album "Pure"), and the song that goes on top of it is no less hypnotic. Old school, but it feels like it was recorded yesterday.

    My first thought was Kenshin, actually, but I'm actually trying to avoid re-using the same source material if I can help it. Ghost in the Shell came to mind, actually -- but there's something missing from the music that doesn't complement that story well.

    A track for Princess Mononoke is also gnawing at me. I was jealous when I saw Peter Gabriel's "The Rhythm of the Heat" used so well for that show. I'm looking for something that has the same soaring feeling to it. I think I look for that in every song I do. 
  • CCS starting. 2001-10-10 22:03:26 OK, I've gotten the basic materials for the CCS / Aphex Twin video.

    This is going to be interesting in a lot of ways. First off, I don't want to use a lot of the hyperkinetic effects I've used before -- the jackhammer editing, the strobe stuff. None of that really seems to fit here, so I'm going to try something a little more languid and experimental, more free-floating. Basically, I want the video's approach to match the music in as many ways as possible -- enveloping the viewer the way the song does.

    This is one of the fun things about making AMVs -- you can tackle some pretty thorny conceptual things in all these different ways. 
  • Also... 2001-10-09 00:14:19 I got my first feedback on the Kenshin video. I sweated my ass off on that damn thing and I got slammed for it. Sometimes I have to think to myself, "No, a lot of people do NOT understand what's going on," but there are as many kinds of anime videos as there are people. I have to remember that or I'm going to be chasing my tail. 
  • Cardcaptor Aphex? 2001-10-09 00:13:03 I've started gathering elements for a new video: Cardcaptor Sakura and Aphex Twin's "On." The two just seem to mesh beautifully -- it's one of those totally intuitive things that no amount of explaining can adequately cover. I'll just do it and see what comes of it.

    I still want to do something with KEY, but after the disaster I had with Prodigy's "Climbatize" (it didn't work at all), I'm sort of at a loss. 
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