JOURNAL: TnAdct1 (Joseph Klemm)

  • One Month 'Til Otakon 2007-06-20 21:58:34 Otakon’s just one month away, and I’m anxiously waiting for it. Some comments as I prepare for the convention:

    -I called the Holiday Inn today to see if any cancellations happened recently and if a cheaper/bigger hotel room was available (as I reserved a room for this year’s Otakon last year). Sadly, no new rooms are available at the time. So, I have the same room and the same rate that I had when I reserved a room last year.

    -Currently, I have a little over $200 saved up for the convention. It’s kind of a challenge to save up money for this convention while at the same time ensuring some regular spending money for myself and putting some money in a savings account. However, I’m sure that I’ll have plenty of Dealers’ Room come July 19th.

    -On the Xbox 360 front, I picked up Project Gotham Racing 3 and Gears of War yesterday. Along with Crackdown, which came in the mail via Gamefly yesterday, I have plenty of games to keep me busy for the next few days.
  • Doing A Complete 360 2007-06-17 16:46:17 This past Tuesday, I got ready for the upcoming video game season (and knowing full well that PS2 and Wii will not be enough this year) by buying myself an Xbox 360 (I'm not paying $600 for a PS3 system). Some comments based on the first five days of playing the system:

    -The only "real" 360 game that I have so far is Dead Rising (which my brother and I are enjoying). However, I do have plans to buy at least one game this coming Tuesday. As for renting games from Gamefly, Crackdown has been sent in the mail and will be arriving either on Tuesday or Wednesday (with three more games 360 games already in my Game Q).

    -Xbox Live Arcade is definitely addicting. So far, I've downloaded Castlevania, Aegis Wing, TMNT Arcade, and Pac-Man C.E., with me also buying a disc with various XBLA games on it (with the highlight being Geometry Wars Evolved).

    -With this system replacing my old Xbox, I'm definitely starting over when it comes to a number of games. One thing's for sure: this does allow me a chance to rediscover Soul Calibur II while I wait for Soul Calibur IV for Xbox 360 and the Soul Calibur game for the Wii. 
  • Banner Making 2007 2007-06-07 12:54:46 With the site getting a new logo and me having seen some new anime, I'm back in business when it comes to banner making.

    So far, the banner-making process for me is kinda interesting from my viewpoint. Examples of what I mean:

    -One banner that I thought would be a shoe-in to be considered worthy missed it by just a few votes.

    -Another banner I made, which I thought would get my usual average when it comes to "worthy" votes, ended up missing being worthy by just a few votes as well.

    -Just today, I made another banner, and after I uploaded it, I discovered that someone else came up a very similar concept for a banner (if it does make it to the voting phase, you'll see what I mean). Don't worry about me being a "copycat" since:

    1. I had absolutely no idea that this banner was made when I created mine (in fact, I only found out about it a few minutes ago).
    2. While the theme is somewhat similar, the banner use completely different sources.

    Just to be safe: sorry if I ended up doing something bad. 
  • Back in Business, Banner Wise 2006-03-15 16:10:37 With the latest logo having been introduced on Monday, I got back in the spirit of making banners for the site.

    So far, I've created three banners using the new logo, and while two of them are still pending approval for the vote. One of them has already been through the voting process. Personally, I was very disappointed that the banner received less than my "average worthy" vote score, because I felt it had a simple concept that fit the site perfectly. Oh well. Back to the drawing board, I guess. 
  • In Response to JaddziaDax's Comment About Banner Theft 2005-10-17 00:50:16 I understand how you feel, as earlier this week, someone ripped off my "What the Heck" banner. Luckily, that banner was named "unworthy".

    Folks, if you're going to make banners, don't steal other people's banners (unless you've gotten permission from the creator). 
Current server time: Jan 12, 2025 22:21:28