TnAdct1 (Joseph Klemm)
Another Day, Another Post
2001-10-12 11:38:42
It's been quiet around my neck of the town.
I'm busy still downloading videos, with my more recent ones being Failed Experiments in Video Editing and Doki Doki's DDR Project video. Meanwhile, I am also working on downloading Vib FLCL, as I feel that when it comes to the Otakon videos, I should download the ones I like so that I have two ways to see them (computer and tape).
I almost lost my first AMV disc, which someone (pointing to my brothers) threw in the garbage. Luckily, I was able to find it before it was too late.
I'm also busy watching the new seasons of Survivor and the Mole. Speaking of Survivor, doesn't anyone else think that during the first tribal council, Ethan, the soccer player, looked a little bit like Spike from Cowboy Bebop?
As for Anime USA, which is near where I live, I'm still pondering if I should go or not, though it is pointing towards no, as I am not only uncertain about me enjoying it, but also due to the fact that I'm already committed to attend Neko-Con, and thus am a little worried that Anime USA will somewhat negatively affect (money and excitement) my trip to Neko-Con.
Busy Weekend
2001-10-07 22:52:01
This weekend was a busy one for me.
For starters, I all set to attend Neko-Con, with my name on the pe-registered list and my hotel room paid for.
Also, I've ordered a copy of the Anime Encyclopedia, which I'm probably going to get by Tuesday at the earliest. Meanwhile, I finally got a copy of the Otakon 2K1 AMV Contest tape, which, despite a small sound problem during Happy Boys and Girls (no problem, especially since I have a copy on CD-ROM) and Stress, was in good video quality.
Finally, I had another anime club meeting, with was interesting thanks to some parody pieces (Tenchi Vacation and Sakrua Solid) a fandub parody that combines Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, and Clerks, and some DDR 5th Mix.
Busy Last Couple of Days
2001-10-03 11:18:32
When it came to AMV's, the last few days were busy. To start off, I've already half of the videos that were lost my computer erased them off my CD-RW disc (yes, one of them is Tainted Donuts). Besides that, I've also downloaded one of the videos that appeared in the DDR Project megavideo at AWA 7.
Also, I have received my copy of the Kusoyaro videos on CD-ROM's and have begun to watch them.
Other than that, things were usual around here.
Precious Videos Lost
2001-09-28 23:12:04
Don't you hate it when you're trying to save a video on a CD-ROM RW disc when something happens that it messes it up. The good news is that most of the videos have been recovered. However, I have to re-download some of the videos again, including Tainted Donuts.
2001-09-18 20:57:22
A few comments about two things: one that happened over the past week and another that will happen this weekend.
First off, I'm commenting on the WTC and the paranoia.
Yes, that is indeed a dark day and all. While it's normal to see people join together and help out during this time, the problem I have is the paranoia surrounding the incident, especially when it comes to anime and video games. While I am hopeful that Cowboy Bebop will return to CN once things settled down, two things bug me:
1. CN using the incident to pull Gundam, which was low rated, off the schedule without allowing it to finish the run. I personally tried to catch the show each day, and while I can understand CN taking it off the schudule for last Tuesday, it's somewhat of a crime to the fans that the show was completely pulled off the schedule before it can be finished.
2. The possibility that Metal Gear Solid will not be out for Xmas due to the attack. While I can understand the possible delay of it due to NYC being involved in the story, it disappoints me that it, like Final Fantasy X, will not be released until after Xmas. To me, while I can understand it, delaying MGS 2 because of the incident could be a bad move, especially with the upcoming console war.
On the lighter side (the other thing I want to talk about), AWA looks like its going to be exciting. While I will not be attending (will wait for Neko-Con), I can't wait to see the cosplay pictures and download the AMV that appeared in the convention's various AMV contests, especially the DDR videos, Love Rollercoaster, and Doki Doki Production's clever video that combines WWF music with DiGi Charat. Speaking of the AMV contest, it's a nice surprise to see Senta's Tenchi and the Masters of the Universe video be nominated in the Pro Contest.
Until next time, nyu.
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