JOURNAL: TnAdct1 (Joseph Klemm)

  • First Journal Post (Start of New C-SMAC Semester) 2001-09-10 11:27:09 Since I'm not an AMV maker, I using this journal feature for now to post my recent adventures in the world of anime (and some video games), my latest AMV viewings, and my opinions on some anime news.

    For my first report, I'm talking about the start of the latest semester of C-SMAC (an anime club based in the College of Southern Maryland), which took place yesterday. With school back in session, the club returned to it's usual screening room (a classroom with a computer/TV projecter). This week's line-up was as followed:

    -Angelic Layer (the latest series from CLAMP)
    -Angel Link (an anime series set in the Outlaw Star universe)
    -Read or Die (an OVA about a female bookworm [human, not an actual worm] who, due to her gift to manipulate paper in any way, becomes part of a mission to find some books that an evil organization is looking for)

    During breaks, there was the usual round of Dance Dance Revolution (which is probably one of the official games for otakus). Along with DDR, the club also watched the following:

    -the latest video by the club's main AMV maker, Senta Miller (that's all I'm going to say about that)
    -a news report on the local news about the DDR craze
    -a little bit of Rikki-Oh, a bad Hong Kong martial arts film that one of the officers likes

    Other than the anime club meeting and Cowboy Bebop on Adult Swim, there's not much left to say anime related about yesterday. 
Current server time: Feb 01, 2025 06:45:45