JOURNAL: TnAdct1 (Joseph Klemm)

  • Ripped-Off 2005-10-12 00:58:51 Just a few minutes ago, I checked the Banner contest and noticed that one of the banners that people were voting on was basically a Negima banner that I've already done, but with different text. While I am a Negima fan (and a huge fan of Nodoka), I had to vote this banner "unworthy" to teach a lesson about ripping-off other people banners (i.e. using the exact banner but only change the wording).

    With that in mind, I wonder what everyone else feels about this. I can understand updating older banners from the past (i.e. the Jim Hawking 10,000 Fans banner and the HMM band banner), but I think that some people would know better than to create original banners using their own sources rather than ripping off other banners. 
  • Ten Days Until Otakon 2005-08-09 22:05:40 Ten days until my main highlight of the summer: Otakon. A few comments as I get ready for the convention:

    -As usual, I’m having some pre-convention jitters. Of course, I’m well aware that when it comes to me attending anime conventions, things will always turn out all right in the end.

    -When it comes to the Dealers’ Room, I currently have $243 saved up (I tend to save up big time for conventions). However, there’s still more time for me to get some money as:
    1. most of my major “pre-con” buying is done for;
    2. I’ll be saving some of the pay that I’ll be getting tomorrow from a local farm stand towards my Otakon savings;
    3. there’s a good chance I’ll get another roll of coins done before the convention;
    4. tomorrow starts “crunch time” for me at the farm stand; which means that every dollar I make there during the next 7 days will automatically go towards Otakon.

    -When it comes to DVD purchases, I finally finished up Cromartie High School today, as well as picked up Season 1 of “the Muppet Show” (I’m a huge fan of the Swedish Chef). Also, I started Kodocha last week by picking up Vol 1 w/ box and Mythbag. One thing’s for sure: I’m definitely taking that bag with me to the convention, as I’m using it as a bag to hold the two manga titles that I’ll be bringing to the convention: Yotsubato (picked up volume 2 today) and Negima.

    -Speaking of Negima: I downloaded “The World of” yesterday, and I noticed my “What the Heck” banner among the banners that appear in the video. My reaction to this is a combination of pleasant surprise and shyness (however, it’s still a treat to see one of my banners in the video).

    Ten days until it’s fun time (nine, if I count that I’m going to Baltimore next Thursday to pick up my badge). 
  • Man, It's Been Almost a Year Since I Wrote in This 2005-05-13 01:05:50 Anyway, this week has definitely kept me busy:

    -Well, I got my Otakon pre-reg confirmation e-mail (I pre-regged at Katsucon) this week. That means I don't have to worry about pre-regging a second time this year to ensure that I'm able to attend the convention.

    -On Wednesday, my mother and I went shopping for birthday gifts for my younger brother. His main request: a PSP system. After some unsuccessful attempts to find it at EB Games and Best Buy, I finally found the system at Toys 'R' Us, and my mother picked most of the items on my brother's list there (while getting the rest at a Funcoland at the mall).

    -While I'm on the subject of Best Buy: while I was there Wednesday, I picked up Cromartie volume 2 and the Spamalot soundtrack. While I still need to view some more of the Cromartie DVD (although I like the crack at the Naruto anime in the cultural notes), I'm enjoying the Spamalot soundtrack a lot. My current favorites tracks are "Finland", "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life", and the two "Tale of Lancelot" songs.

    -Finally, after being disappointed at how the anime handled the kissing contest arc in Negima, I decided to pick up the manga. After reading some of it, one thing's for sure: Nodoka's is now officially on my "kawaii female anime characters" list. As for the manga, that and Yotsuba are on my "buy" list next month. 
  • One Week 'Til Otakon 2004-07-24 00:54:45 Next week (more specifically, six days) is Otakon. Here's what's been going on in the past three days as I prepare for the convention:

    -Well, with my computer finally fixed, it finally returned "home" (aka back downstairs to where I usually do my computer work). While there's still a couple of programs that I need to install, everything is back to what it was before it began to have problems last month.

    -Money-wise, I have close to $250 saved up for Otakon, and considering how I have 2 1/2 of work done at a local stand this pay period (with more work to be done this weekend) and some money that needs to be deposited before the convention, there's going to be some more chances for me to make some last minute cash.

    -Finally, I made two more plans for the convention. The first plan involves an attempt to get something for a person who can't make the convention. The second plan is to take part in a group gathering the night before the convention (in between getting my badge and returning home for the night). 
  • T Minus 9 Days 'Til Otakon 2004-07-21 00:19:32 Otakon is a little than a week away, and so far, I've been busy getting ready for it (as well as doing other stuff).

    -My current update on the computer: As of Sunday, my computer is completely fixed, with it now running on Windows 2000 and being faster. There's still a few things I need to do before things are back to normal (i.e. install the CD/DVD burner software and some editing tools; fixing some my AMV playlists; moving it back downstairs), but at least its working.

    -Money-wise, I forgot how much I have saved up for Otakon at the moment. However, I do know that next week, every dollar I make working at the local farm stand will go to my Otakon funds. Also, I sold some video games on eBay last week (as I picked up some game that were $4.99 at Circuit City), and most of the auctions went well. 
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