JOURNAL: TnAdct1 (Joseph Klemm)

  • 1 More Day Until Otakon 2003-08-07 10:30:54 Otakon is just a day a away, and I'm about 95% ready for the trip. My clothes are packed for the trip; I deposited some money into my checking account; I cashed in some coins that I've been wrapping since my donation to; and I've found a bookbag to use while I'm attending the convention. All that's left to do is to pack my snacks and my toiletries.

    Also, while my club won't be going down until tomorrow, I'm still planning on picking up my badge tonight in order to beat the crowds tomorrow. If I'm still awake, I'll comment about the Thursday night pre-reg badge pick-up later tonight.

    Joe Klemm 
  • 7 Days Until Otakon 2003-08-01 21:35:46 My schedule for the month of August:

    Aug. 8-10: Nothing much. I'm just going to a small anime convention that's near the Chesapeake Bay. :D

    Aug. 17: My local church is having its annual bull roast. As my usual bull roast tradition, I'm most likely going to spend my time there playing bingo in hopes of funding something that I'm planning to do ten days later.

    Aug. 19: My father and I are going on a day trip to Delaware, where I'm going to do something that I've been waiting to do for a long time: play the slots.

    Aug. 27: Soul Calibur 2 comes out. I've pre-ordered a copy of it for the X-Box, and hopefully I'll be able to pick up one of those artbooks that you get for pre-ordering it when I pick up the game. 
  • 8 Days Until Otakon 2003-07-31 22:54:03 Today, my mother and I went to a mall that we've haven't been to in a while. My mother's main intent is to look for Lego sets that were on sale. As for me, I looked around the mall, seeing if anything changed since the last time I was there. There wasn't that places of interest at that mall when compared to my local mall. However, I did went to a video game store and bought the X-Box version of Marvel vs. Capcom 2. So far, I've purchased two of the alternative costumes, Mega Man, and Roll (I'm kinda picky when it comes to which characters and outfits to purchase first in MvC2).

    Meanwhile, I think I've caught something that my younger brother has gotten recently. Hopefully, this bug will be out of my system come next Friday (especially since I'm back to my "one vitamin a day" routine that I sometimes do for anime conventions). 
  • 9 Days Until Otakon 2003-07-30 21:26:47 I originally wanted to start the countdown yesterday, but I forgot. Anyway, there's 9 more days until my annual summer vacation trip to Baltimore for Otakon. Being the person that I am, I'm a little nervous about the trip (i.e. getting my badge, questions about the schedule). However, I'm trying not to think about it, especially since there's still a few things I need to do before next Friday.

    Meanwhile, life's still normal where I'm living. I've picked up the final FLCL DVD w/ box last week, and yesterday, I pre-ordered Soul Calibur 2 for the X-Box. Also, I went to the barber today and got my hair cut. As for the anime club, all I'm saying for now is that the most recent meeting was interesting (besides the episodes of Azumanga and Guu and the club starting Naruto). 
  • Otakon Pre-Reg 2003-07-16 11:19:46 Today, I got an e-mail confirming my pre-registration for Otakon. Thus, all I need to do now is pick up my badge and pay for my share of the hotel room that I'm going to stay at during the convention. As for badge pick-up, I'm undecided yet as to whether pick it up on Thursday or Friday (though I personally would like to get the badge on Thursday and get it done with).

    In other news, I picked up the latest Utena DVD (w/ box) yesterday. Definitely some interesting stuff here (especially the one where Nanami lays an egg). I definitely plan to get the last three DVD's when they come out, and hopefully, I'll be able to get the final FLCL DVD (w/ box) next week. 
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