Lex kasuke
regarding to AMV's
2005-08-11 18:32:06
I have to say, this is probably the only website I ever go online for.
I sign on everyday, or atleast I try.
*Sigh* its 7:28 pm here and its Thunder and lightening out. ;[
making music videos always cheer me up, except when I'm grounded from computers heehee ;]
*Munches* I'm eating japanese styled rice and noodles with Lemonade, *Sigh* My sister is having chicken and rice with warm saki :( I want sakiiiiiiii
But I'm not old enough
damn youuu x.x
Currently: Eating, Drinking and making a music video
August 11 2005
7:32 pm
Witch hunter robin
2005-08-05 10:19:46
I just saw the last episode of WHR
and I'm like.. wtf?
Did Amon and robin just DIE?
Like.. I dunno
michael seemed abit emotional at the end
I heard there was a WHR movie
but I cant seem to get my paws on it
Current server time: Jan 09, 2025 22:54:25