JOURNAL: KaoriYan15 (Karisa )

  • ^^ my blog 2005-11-19 09:57:06

    ^ up there is the link to my xanga...^^ if anyone wants they can check it heheh well yep...oh man i went to do presentation...>< i did such a crappy job...i was so scared...>< i hate publick speacking! or going infront of people to talk about stuff..well friends are okay though ^^ 
  • ^^ >< 2005-11-13 10:08:11 i'm such a procrastinator and i also get distracted very very easily ^^ i can't help it but its so hard to stay focus on what ur i've been working on my essays for american history and english survey and also the project that goes with the american history i get so bored and start doing something else... i'm not even paying attention to what i'm reading...^^ well i didn't do that in the first place as well but i finally got most of my project done... i just need something to add towards the end and i'm done... what i'm most afraid of right now is going infront of everyone in my class and start talking about my topic and project... i got some pretty crappy names for my titles... 
  • NOOOOO >< 2005-11-08 07:54:47 no no no !!!! some of my friends keep calling me kaboon....cause my name is karisa and this guys name is boon...and i don't even like him... >< no i dont at all !!!!! they called me that all day yesterday...ugh...oh and i got my movies ^^ yeah... 
  • yeah 2005-11-05 16:24:54 yeah i finally gots to watch my new dvd set...^^ yeah... onegai teacher....i cried...and laughed and felt like times the episodes were soooo sad and at times they were just hilarous...^^ luv it...luv the art OMG!!! just loved the art work...i'm so happy i bought it...

    oh and i gots a new shirt too... i was going to greenbay mall today...^^ and well i was gonna buy a book. well as we were leaving to home...i wanted to see the naruto tshirts...k...they werent the best...then i saw a pink shirt...but on that pink shirt was a picture of princess ai!!!! so much detail unlike the -__- naruto shirts...they were so plain and boring...but this ai tshirt was so much color and the picture is actually beautiful!!! hahaha..yep but my sis helpe me she paid like 10 dollars hahaha now i owe her like 17 bucks...^^ ...she's like always paying for my stuff...i'm so happy that i got it...all thanks to my little sis ^^ i should be more prepared. heheh 
  • Stupid!!! 2005-11-02 17:47:59 right now we have a three hr long...three day test!!!! its a pointless test...i still dont get why we have to take it...every time i'm done with taking that test, i get sooo sleepy...what a stupid test...and its THREE FREAKING HOURS!!! thats sooo long!!! 
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