Dark_Sage (Brian Cottier)
2003-09-16 17:52:30
WARNING! The folowing contains spelling errors, mostly because I'm a lazy cuss who isnt willing to proof read. WARNING!
Mood:Leave me alonel
Quote:Unless a life hangs in the balance leave me alone.
Current Project: Hellsing- Living Dead Girl
Countdown to Mirrodin Prerelease: 5 Days
Release dates For AMVs:
Akira - Damnit I changed again : 09/18
Akira - Come out swinging : 09/18
Akira - Kids arnt allright : 09/18
Vandread - Hero : 09/18
Vandread - Toxcisity : 09/18
Vandread - I stand alone :09/18
Hellsing - Living Dead Girl : In Progress 20% Done
Hellsing - Bad Religion : In Progress !5% Done
Reouni Kinshin - Samuri Jack Opening Song : Collecting Resources 5% Done
Blah Blah Blah Blah.
Blah Blah Blah.
Blah Blah Blah Blah.
Blah Blah.
I dont want to deal wiht people, today I feel like just hideing in my room wiht the lights off and soft music playing. I think the world would be a better place if more people just left each other alone.
Dont you get it? I dont care.
I dont care that you cant make the logical conclusion that double clicking meens clicking twice.
I dont care if you think a card is crap, I see opental for it and I'm going to use it.
I dont care if you think you could take me down, nless your willing to come and actuly take me on all your doing is blowing hot air.
People are stupid and I cant stand them. Tomarow I have to get up go to school and lissen to a old man explain the diffrence between a sentance and a statement in logical argument. Then I'm going to go to a math class that is only covering stuff a four year old would have difficulty wiht. After that I get to turn in the 750 page report my english teacher decided to give us but forgot to give us a topic for. Fun..
I've hit yet another fucking snag in geting my amv's done. What a supprise, the flash drive I bought isnt working. Suprise. Its going to take about a month to get it working again.
Not that anyone would notice.
:sighs lights a cig and takes a drag:
I dont smoke, never have, never wanted to, never needed to. It just feels right right now. I saw the ending to both Trigun and Cowboy Bebop. I've seen bebops ending before,Trigun I havent, and I have to say I'm impressed. Even knowing Knives was a vicisious killer Vash spaired him.
Recently a friend of mine has been dealing with some "friend" troubles. We talk to each other over the net when ever we can and he's a realy cool guy. But recently sevral of his friends have picked up the "I'm-a-agnsed-filled-teen-who-will-kill-himself-if-you-dont-pay-attention-to-me" stick. Not only is this puting a drain on him, because he's now haveing to lissen to 6 people rant every day, but when he trys to talk to them they ignore him or even worse offend him. This pisses me off for three reasons. 1) there not going to kill themselves, these cowards are just saying so to get attention. 2) They dont care about his feelings. 3) they arnt intrested in makeing there lives better, they just want someone to lissen to them complain.
It makes me sick and if I was in his place I would of told them to go ahead already.
I would appreceat some opps, I would love you if you sent me some encourage ment. I dont think I'll be geting eather, thats the nature of people, dont help someone unlsee you get something out it if
If you think I'm evil because I live in the darkness? I think your blinded by your precsious light.
2003-09-15 16:50:59
WARNING! The folowing contains spelling errors, mostly because I'm a lazy cuss who isnt willing to proof read. WARNING!
Music: The Red - Shivel
Quote: If I dont stand up for myself and my friends how can I expect others to do so for me?
Current Project: Hellsing- Living Dead Girl
Countdown to Mirrodin Prerelease: 6 Days
Well I'm back. I'm sorry about the lack of a journal the past few days. I normaly access this site by a link on a nother site, unfortunetly that site has been down.
Well I'm back, be happy. Past few days have been kind sureal for me, it happens occasionaly, anyone else ever get that?
Today I broke down and bought myself a 128MB USB Jump Drive, what this means is that I will no longer have any problems geting my anime from my dl computer to my editing computer so W00T W00T.
I've completed almost all of soul calaber, just got a few more charaters to beat the arcade with, three weapons to unlock and then I start training for when the game comes out in arcades.
Six days tell the Mirrodin prerelease, happy, after that I cant get my hands on any Mirrodin cards tell the 1st of october. I hate the few weeks before the release of a new set.
Release dates For AMVs:
Akira - Damnit I changed again : 09/18
Akira - Come out swinging : 09/18
Akira - Kids arnt allright : 09/18
Vandread - Hero : 09/18
Vandread - Toxcisity : 09/18
Vandread - I stand alone :09/18
Hellsing - Living Dead Girl : In Progress 20% Done
Hellsing - Bad Religion : In Progress !5% Done
Reouni Kinshin - Samuri Jack Opening Song : Collecting Resources 5% Done
Well thats about it for today. Dont hold me to those release dates.
What DOES Fooly Cooly mean anyway?!
2003-09-11 18:21:34
I found this post at's fourms:
i find it so ironic the US received this deserved wake-up call on the anniversary of its blatant 1973 coup in Chile in which they assassinated the world's first freely-elected marxist leader just after he had come into power. that's terrorism for ya. what goes around comes around. this ****ing country deserved everything it got and more.
Give the little bastard some love, heres his e-mail
Too angry to post, I'll have a journal up again later.
Guess what didnt get uploaded lastnight
2003-09-10 19:10:40
WARNING! The folowing contains spelling errors, mostly because I'm a lazy cuss who isnt willing to proof read. WARNING!
Music: Hero of the Day - Matalica
Quote: On a chain saw: Do not stop blade with hand.
Current Project: Hellsing- Living Dead Girl
Randomness:How am I suposed to respect my superiors, there all idiots.
Stop file shareing now. The RIAA has made it so that they can get all your personal information from your isp, just more proof that Big Borther is watching.
Today is the day before 9/11 if you didnt know that wow, get a calender. Its hard to beleave its been 2 years since that horabel day. I was in highschool when it happened, I was in the libary waiting for school to start sudenly a librean wheeled in a tv and turned it to the news, the first words I hear from the tv were. "I dont think there will be anysurvivors on the plane." That sure got my attention. Two wars and two years later the world is slowly becomeing a better place. People keep on criticiseing but thats human nature to complain about something.
I think I've come up wiht a way to get the Hellsing Vids where I need them, it will be a slow and ardious process but it will get done. Tonight I will be up late so not only will I release what I was meaning to release but what I was planing on releaseing.
I dont think I'm going to Oni-Con I've more or less given up on it and will just save my cash tell next con comes up. Its depressing but that seems to be what my life is about recently.
I'm sick of hearing idiots lament about anarchy, if the words the world would be so much better if there was only anarchy are ever uttered around me again I will merclessly beat the speaker.
Soul Calaber 2 is fun, get it, beat it, get owned by it when you take it off easy.
I am not too sure whats up wiht me leately, I've entered another of my depresions I think, normaly when I go into these comunication between me and reality slows or stops entierly.
Bah what ever. Give me a off and send a comment to my e-mail, it will make my day. Thanks folks.
2003-09-09 18:42:23
WARNING! The folowing contains spelling errors, mostly because I'm a lazy cuss who isnt willing to proof read. WARNING!
Music: St. Anger -Matalica
Current Project: Hellsing- Living Dead Girl
Randomness:To all you out there that cant figure out how to double click, run because I'm comeing for you.
How do you deal with rageing stupidity? As I sit here typeing this I am surounded by people age 35-40. Every few moments from clear across this computer labratory insted of raseing there hand to get my attention someone screams out that they need help. I am a lab technician in a public college. I am here to make sure the computers are working rihgt. yes I am somehow stuck explaining to a 30 year old that his school e-mail address has a 4 after his name and that I understand that he is a ljones but there are three other ljones. As I explain that I return to my station only to be called back, he gets a incorrect login screen, I asked him if he put the first two letters of his lastname in in caps he says he did and typed in his password. Thats when I noticed insted of puting JO infront of his password hes puting ES. Finaly wiht him loged into his e-mail I return here to continue writeing this, only to discover that someone has decided to slip in and use a computer wiht out signing in, finaly she agrees to sign in. As I'm returning to finish this a call for LAB TECH goes up across the lab. Walking over there I see its a 40 year old woman, she wants me to spell therefore for her, and to explain what the red squiglys under it mean when she mistypes it three times.
Let me say this right off, I love my job, I love my boss, and I love my co workers. Being a computer lab technician is a shit load better than being a stock monkey for blockbuster video.
But into every life a little rain must fall, in my life that rain takes the form of unbridaled stupidity.
Its not that I dont like people, quite far from the truth, my favoret writer is a person, so are a few of my friends.
But when I have to spend 30 minuets explaining the double click meens click the mouse twice I lose my temper. Hell I woudnt even mind the stupidity so much if the fact that I spend 50 min helping the "specal" people the one who are smart have to sit around waiting for me to get the lady who forgot to save before she closed the program to stop crying, there liseing time that they need to get work done.
I guess in the end things arnt so bad. But this still makes me andgry and frustrates me to no end. I guess I'll just have to suck it up and take it like a man.
On the bright side sevral good things have happened. I've almost completed SC2, My cd burner should be working by the time I get home tonight, and my car is working again.
See life isnt that bad, expect Living Dead Girl Victoria by sunday, tonight I WILL put up at least one of my older vids. Some opps and encouragements in my e-mail may just give me the motavation to get them all up.
Speeking of encouragements I'm flatered and honored to say that I got some encouragement in my inbox.
As socraties once said...
I just drank what?!
He then died from drinking poision.
Current server time: Jan 08, 2025 12:46:15