Dark_Sage (Brian Cottier)
I bet you thought I left
2003-09-08 20:48:09
WARNING! The folowing contains spelling errors, mostly because I'm a lazy cuss who isnt willing to proof read. WARNING!
Music: St. Anger -Matalica
Website: <---for all you FInal Fantisy Fans out there.
Quote:I cast the spells that make the peoples fall down!
Current Project: Hellsing- Living Dead Girl
MTG Combo: Tefrie's Puzzel Box (x2) + Underworld dreams (x2) + Howeling mines (x2) = Minamum of 6 damage to your opponent during there draw phaze.
Well I'm back, and to those of you who have missed me I'm sorry. And to those of you who were happy I was gone, I'm sorry.
Well I havent gotten shit done.
None of the seven vids are up, they may be up by tomarow afternoon if I feel motavated.
My project is curently at a stand still as I strugel to get my cd -r/w drive too work.
CS2 is takeing me longer to master than I thought.
I'm geting behind on my school work.
All fun.
On the bright side I've started readng some of the MTG books to get my magic fix. So I'm not as iratabel and I've stoped haveing tremors. ;) Seriously to those of you who dont play magic is like crack. I have to open at least one pack a week else I cant keep up with the wait tell the next set.
Ever have one of those days where everything sucked? I did yessterday. Let me show you.
6:00 AM: Alarm is suposed to be going off so I can wake up and do whats needed for the day. It dosent.
7:00 AM: Backup Alarm is suposed to be going off so I'm garintied to be up and doing what needs to be done. It dosent.
8:00 AM: Family is suposed to make sure I am up and working on what I need to be. They dont.
12:30 PM: I roll over and hit my head on sharp edge of book case wakeing me us and cuting my forhead. I am now filled wiht a overwelling urge to destroy everything.
1:00 PM: Get yelled at by various members of family for not doing what I was suposed to.
1:01 PM: Yell back saying they should of woken me up like I asked them to.
1:01.30 PM: Am told to shush up and go do my school work.
3:00 PM: School work done I leave to put cass in my car so I can get to school on monday. Car dosent start.
5:00 PM: Spend two hours going over car to figure out that it wasnt starting because of a lose spark plug.
5:30 PM: Arive at gas station and leave after reliseing I forgot my wallet.
Lets just say it got worse after that.
Damn I started whineing again.
FLCL, watch it. I'll hit you wiht a gutar if you dont.
I'm back
2003-09-04 17:28:44
WARNING! The folowing contains spelling errors, mostly because I'm a lazy cuss who isnt willing to proof read. WARNING!
Current Project: Hellsing-Living Dead Girl
I've had it less than 24 hours and already Soul Calaber 2 has concumed my life. I've nearly completed the weapon master mode for most of the charaters, I've unlocked almost all the arenas, same can be said for the weapons.
Hopefuly things will be back to normal by monday, if not oh well.
This saturday I am going to buckel down and get those vids up loaded, and mabey even get my curent project done.
On the MTG front I'm speechless. I've already preordered two tournament packs meening I will have at least 150 of the new cards from the new set unfortunetly a good deal of those are likely to be land but I'm still happy.
This set is going to be incredabel, I know I've said it before and I'm likely to keep on saying it untell someone hits me over the head wiht something but I think this set will revitalize the game.
Well ....
I come to you now at the begining of a great journie...
2003-09-03 20:46:43
WARNING! The folowing contains spelling errors, mostly because I'm a lazy cuss who isnt willing to proof read. WARNING!
Mood:So happy I'm spastic
No Journal post today. I got Soul Calaber 2. I should be back to normal tomarow if not please keep on checking back.
This is going to be a long one
2003-09-02 17:35:05
WARNING! The folowing contains spelling errors, mostly because I'm a lazy cuss who isnt willing to proof read. WARNING!
Music: One Week - Bare naked ladys
Website: <----I've spent 72 hours trying to figure this out click on walkie! when you get there
Quote:Ornathroper: 0 Mana, Loxodon Warhammer 3 Mana, Equiping Ornathroper with Loxodon Warhammer. Turning a 0/2 flyer int a 3/2 Flyer with trampel flying, and a built in spirit link: Priceless
Current Project: Hellsing-Living Dead Girl
M:TG Combo of the day:If I put a Ornathroper under my Soul Foundry and Penmman's Aura on a Appthelo Alchamist I can make two Ornathropers for free and then another one for every Blue Mana I can spend.
Well I'm back. And by back I meen back at work because thats where I update this thing. You may have noticed a change. I've replaced my Randomness: thingy wiht a M:TG combo of the day: dont worry the randomness will be back when I cant think of a good combo to put up.
I finaly started work on my current AMV, I've striped the sound track from the hellsing vids, tomarow I'm going to try and get rid of the subtiles, I dont realy like haveing subtiles in my vids even thought I left a few in Inuonaleash. I'll probaly be up loading those seven vids I promised you in the next two to three days.
Okay if you dont want to hear about MTG leave now.
Welcome if you play mtg like me then your probaly drooling for some info on the next set. This is previwes week at so were geting lots of goodies. So far the cards I've seen are.
1. Soul Foundry
2. One dozen eyes
3. Loxodon Warhammer
Tomarow cant get here soon enought for me. I'm realy up on this new equipment card type. Its like haveing a enchant creature that dosent make the creature a target!
Theres so much about this new set that I am loveing. Its gong to have a techno/scifi feel to it which rocks concidering I was geint a little tired of the old fantisy is medevil theam.
Its about two weeks tell the prerelease for Mirrodin. Hopefuly I'll be able to get my hands on a full spoiler before then so I can start churning out combos to make my opponents wet themselves.
I'm runing out of things to say. Life has been rather dull. Oh that problem I was expecting, the one that would make me hate life again came and its gone now. Apparently my parents are cnspiering wiht the powers the be to make my life hell now that school is back in class. But I'm okay now.
At this time I would ask we have a moment of peace for three very good friends of mine.
M3ch4, Sting, YinYang
Thank you so much for your help, wiht out you I would never of managed to beet the Big Five. In your memory Omnius will be trained to defeet the final battle. May the gods of Monster rancher 3 watch over you.
Thank you.
:cough: :cough:
Anyway. SD Gundam is to FLCL as Cigs are to Acid. People enjoy them all and people are adicted to them all.
Watch out for flying gutars.
....OW..... ;_;
2003-08-28 16:49:29
WARNING! The folowing contains spelling errors, mostly because I'm a lazy cuss who isnt willing to proof read. WARNING!
Music: Headstrong - Traped
Website: <---Best comic on the web
Quote:Were head strong, well take you on!
Current Project: Hellsing-Living Dead Girl
Randomness:4 days untell Mirrodin Previews start on
Ever do something strenuious? What about something that accomplised virtualy nothing? Ever do that for four hours? I just did, its called spending four hours at the gym.
I feel like my entire body has been beaten by a mongolean body beating team.
Intresting thought, well the Saga of the cd - r/w drive begins. In other words I've decided I will try to get my cd burner working so I can move the Hellsing Vids on my comp to the comp that has my movie editor on it. If I could get someone to pay for it I may just get one of those USB Minidrive thingys, they were on sale, and I have been wanting one....
On the Magic front I've begun preparing my decks for the upgrade. This means I will be in magic withdrawl for at least three weeks. This week + the two weeks tell the prerelease. Unfortunetly for all you out there who dont like magic that wont be the end of it. Once I have access to a new set comes the fun part, playtesting, deck building, combo makeing. All the stuff that goes in up gradeing my eighty something decks. On the down side this will probaly cost me quite a bit.
I've scraped my idea for Samuri Kinshin, probaly not permently, I just relised how stupid it was to plan for my next project when I havent even realy done anything wiht my current one. Oh on the bright side I've figured out how to make a title plage for my AMV's so hopefuly it will be showing up on all my new vids.
OH! Look for seven vids comeing up soon, I've had these for a while, three of them look realy realy bad because the rip messed up on them, the other four are a bit blury but this can be fixed by viewing them in a small window.
No word on Oni-Con, when your completely dependent on others for your survival you tend to eather get very advanced knowlage of your travel plans, or you dont travel at all.
hey look at a card I designed
Rule Shift (U) (U) (U)
All players draw a extra card at the begining of there draw phaze.
All players may play a extra land during there turn.
for those of you who dont knoe (U) meens Blue Mana symbol, makeing this a blue card, the color of drawing and trickery.
FLCL Rules, no go away before I hit you wiht a guitar.
Current server time: Jan 09, 2025 03:50:55