Dark_Sage (Brian Cottier)
Patiently Waiting...
2003-08-27 19:03:42
WARNING! The folowing contains spelling errors, mostly because I'm a lazy cuss who isnt willing to proof read. WARNING!
Music: Freak on a Leash - Matalica
Website: <--- another site for all those addicted to Magic: The Gathering
Quote:Why wait for something?
Current Project: Hellsing-Liveing Dead Girl
Randomness:5 days untell Mirrodin Previews start on
Well here we are, three days after I discover I have a journal. A total of 8 hits on said journal. Half way throught the first week of school, and finaly five days tell starts giveing previews of the next M:TG Set.
Time needs to move faster.
I keep on meaning to work on my project some, I finaly found someone who has a copy of Liveing dead girl, so the only excuse I have left is that the vids are on the wrong computer. I've tryed transfering them over my wireless LAN with very negative results, right now I guess I'm planing on geting the cd-burner on my laptop up and runing again, ziping and compressing all the vids, burning a cd and useing that to get them to the computer wiht the video editor.
Actuly if anyone knows of a good FREE vid editor that I could download and that would run on a laptop with Win2000 I would love to hear from you. My e-mail is in my profile.
Not much else to talk about on the AMV front.
I'm going to say it up front now. I dont like people very much, and I have my reasons, which I wont get into on here because it will probably be insulting to someone and I dont want my e-mail flamed.
Now normaly people and I can get along fairly well, they ignore me like the socal reject I am, and I walk pretending that they arnt jugeing me on biased, flawed, and inacuret information. But recently it seems eather people themselves, or much more likely in my oppinion, reality has decided to remind me constantly why I dont like people.
I'm probaly going to be labeled a whiner now.
I know, I know. Not all people are bad, thats why I'm not refering to any specific person, but people and humanity as a whole.
Not much more to say, I am literly paceing and doing everything I can to get any scrap of information I can on Mirrodin, you have to understand, I dont have a socal life, I live for MTG, Anime, Video Games, and RPGs. They've gotten me throught Hell on earth, aka High School. And I know they will get me throught life.
On a related note to a socal life, I may just make it to OniCon in huston this October. You can find out more about Onicon at there web page I'll be easy to reconise I'll be the guy wondering around in the Heavy Denim Jacket, with a look somewhere between Joy at the site of all the anime and anguish at the forced proxmity of other people. Feel free to insult me and my vids to my face if you see me there.
Well I guess thats enought babeling and such for today. Tell tomarow.
The Journal is here to stay :)
2003-08-26 11:23:50
WARNING! The folowing contains spelling errors, mostly because I'm a lazy cuss who isnt willing to proof read. WARNING!
Music: 19-2000 - Gorliza
Website: <--- Good site for all those addicted to Magic: The Gathering
Quote:Games are very educational. Scrabble teaches us vocabulary, Monopoly teaches us cash-flow management, and D&D teaches us to loot the bodies.
~ Steve Jackson
Current Project: Hellsing-Liveing Dead Girl
Randomness:Vinager makes everything taste better!
Nothing realy new to say. Had one homework assignment and I've gotten that done already. I needed to find a logic puzzel for my logic class. I just riped off one of the ones from Die Hard WIht a vengence.
I managed to work things so I have Tusedays and thursdays free from classes.
I dont know why but I dont realy feel motavated to work on my current project, still haveing a fun time trying to dl the song for it. For those of you who dont know that was sarcasim.
I got to play some M:TG earlier today, I have Four Realy good decks, a Black Blue Bad Dreams deck, a mono-red burn deck I named The Inferno, a mono-black reanamator I named Dead Head, and a black and white Ghandi deck.
No more to say now.
2003-08-25 16:11:37
Well looky here. I have a journal, didnt know that. Well on to my first journal posting.
WARNING! The folowing contains spelling errors, mostly because I'm a lazy cuss who isnt willing to proof read. WARNING!
Music: Blackout - hed PE
Website: <--- Funny...what you want me to say more?
Quote:WHOA! A talking cat! Dont take my brain!
Current Project: Hellsing-Liveing Dead Girl
Randomness:Next year on April fourth the date will be 04/04/04, then the year after on May fifth the date will be 05/05/05, and then the next year on June sixth the date will be 06/06/06....666...creapy isnt it?
Lets see..School started today, going to give college another try, not that I want to, just that if I dont I get kicked out of my home, lose my health insurance, and have to lissen to my family bitch at me for a few years.
On the bright side, with school starting I have more access to a computer and time to work on vids, why I didnt during the summer? Hell your guess is as good as mine. So hopefuly I can start churning out mounds of steaming more vids.
I dont know why but every time some thing good happens lately, like being able to make more vids, I start to expect something realy bad to happen to me. As if oweing my parents $7,500, haveing a $500 credit card debt, and only $99 in my bank account isnt bad enough. I know something is comeing, I dont know what, but I know it wont kill me, after all if I'm dead I realy dont care about stuff now would I, just bad enought to make me wish I was dead.
About my current project, I have all 13 eppasodes of Hellsing on my computer, unfortunetly its not the computer I use to make Vids, so I need to transfer them over to my other computer, or upgrade my current one to XP. I'm haveing a hell of a time locateing a copy of Living Dead Girl, mostly because I'm too cheap to buy the cd, and I cant seem to find a working dl of it. I'm wondering how many other people have had this idea.
I already have a plan for my next project. Its teantivly titled Samuri Kinshin, I'm in the process of geting some of the R.Kinshin eppasodes riped and I need to get a copy of the Samuri Jack opening sound track.
Well nothing else to say today.
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 22:19:47