CCoojak (Chris Blakeslee Jr.)
Balls rolling
2005-04-07 19:01:52
Alright everyone, I have created a short AMV that I was going to (and probably still will) use as part of a larger video, however its seems ok as an AMV short alone. It will probably be posted within the next week and I really want people to give an opinion on it. Just remember, if its not good enough alone, it is going to hopefully be part of a larger video that can make it much better and cooler to watch. If you like the video alone, tell me that as well, this is the stuff I need to know. I have also started on my pet project, and I need it done before this school quarter ends for one of my classes, so I am guaranteeing it to be complete within the next 10 weeks. And if its not up and anyone actually reads this and is getting upset that its not up, then email me and chew me out. I would love that, that is the inspiration and swift kick in my butt that I really need right now. Ok, thats it for this rambling section. Create, watch, and enjoy. Later everyone. -Chris-
Still around
2005-03-17 20:22:35
OK, I know I promised a video soon, but I've been out making short films. Sorry if anybody has actually been waiting for this stuff. If you have been, then I am really afraid to move forward cuz I dont want someone to anticipate my work and have it suck. Ya know? New classes start in a week and I will have some heavy editing ahead of me, so I guess that means I will be doing a new video just for that class and post it here afterwards. So i guess in under 12 weeks there will be a new video here. I guess thats all for now. Remember, if you feel like asking a question or giving an opinion, even if that opinion is that I suck, please feel free to do so. Oh and for those of you who want to spam me with messages of how I suck, please make them detailed and thoughtful, that way I will partially enjoy the insults. I'm used to them. Ok, later everyone.
The ball's moving
2005-01-25 19:42:30
Well, I've got a good start onto my vid and its coming along at a nice speed. The clips are falling into place and the video is starting to take shape. It seems to be a little easier than before, and I'm not sure if thats good or bad. We'll see when I get more down. I'm going to be testing clips and sections on a select group of people and see how they feel about the progress, that way I can have some input and not ruin the video for everyone out there. Alright, I guess thats all for this entry, thanks for everyones support and guidance. Remember, comments, questions, and other tidbits are always welcome so feel free to email me. Later.
Return to the Wonderful World of AMVs
2005-01-17 15:39:02
Hey everyone, this is my triumphant return to making AMVs. Its taken a little while for me to get back into the groove of things since my friend died. For those of you who are interested in the work of my friend, his only finished job can be found under his name of Haigha. Well, I've started on a couple new videos and the first one will hopefully be up are running in a month or so, and I am hoping to keep everyone informed. For people who know nothing of me, no problem, you are the vast majority. But for those who have seen my stuff and have enjoyed it for one reason or another, I hope not to disappoint you with my new stuff. I'm going to be working with some new software and cutting techniques so we'll see how this ends up. I'm hoping for the best. A dedication video for my friend is the top choice of projects right now, and even though that doesn't sound to exciting, I am hoping that it will be something others want to watch as well as something that has meaning for myself. Nevertheless more projects should be rolling out at a steady stream if things work out as I hope. So I guess that's it for this one. Thanks for your interest whether you are someone new or someone who old, you all get my best wishes and I hope not to disappoint.
Still kickin'
2004-04-28 19:47:28
Well, I'm still alive and trying to get this done. Not much progress with the Vampire Hunter D video yet. I've been working on a personal project for my sisters wedding. The Vampire Hunter D footage is ripped and waiting, and I've got a good ripping of Unforgiven by Metallica. So that much is complete. Nothing is filled in as far as layout goes, but after I return from Anime Expo 2004 I will get back to work on it. I'm also trying to get my Escaflowne video good enough to enter it into Anime Expo's AMV contest, so anyone who wants to help me with an opinion or idea is welcome to it. My door is always open. If you are going and you see my video play, then you know i've completed it on time. If it doesn't play, I'll still be there anyways, so if you think you can find me, feel free to say hi. Other than that, I guess i've got nothing new to say. I'll keep writing in this think as more progress happens. And I won't take as long to write. Thanks for caring. -Chris-
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:22:18